
"string-pulling" in Spanish

"string-pulling" in Spanish
a country where everything works through contacts and string-pulling
un país que funciona a base de amiguismo y enchufes
palanca{f} [LAm.] [coll.]
acomodo{m} [LAm.] [coll.] (palanca, amiguismo)

Context examples for "string-pulling" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
a country where everything works through contacts and string-pulling
un país que funciona a base de amiguismo y enchufes
he got a job thanks to some string-pulling by his uncle
su tío lo colocó a dedo
These principles were established after a previous period in which public appointments resulted from the distribution of influences, from the system of cherry picking and string pulling.
Esos principios se establecieron después de una etapa anterior en la que los cargos públicos se nutrían en función del reparto de influencias, del sistema de botín o de expolio.