
"oprimido" in English

"oprimido" in English
oprimido{adjective masculine}
oprimido{adjective masculine}
También hablo en nombre del pueblo oprimido de Zimbabwe que demanda justicia.
I also speak on behalf of the oppressed people of Zimbabwe who are crying out for justice.
Se trata de un país ilegalmente ocupado por China y cuyo pueblo está siendo oprimido por ese régimen.
It is a country that is illegally occupied by China and its people are oppressed by that regime.
Durante su gobierno ha oprimido a su pueblo y violado el derecho internacional en multitud de aspectos.
Throughout his rule he has oppressed his people and violated international law in many areas.
downtrodden{adj.} (peasants, workers, minority)
Es muy grave cuando las leyes se usan para oprimir al pueblo.
It is particularly serious when the laws are exploited to oppress people.
Uzbekistán no necesita armas, que pueden usarse para oprimir a su propia población.
Uzbekistan does not need any weapons, which may be used to oppress its own population.
Su régimen se vale de sus servicios secretos para oprimir a su pueblo por medio de la violencia, el asesinato y el terror.
His regime uses its secret services to oppress his own people with violence, murder and terror.
Son los ciudadanos, incluidos los oprimidos contribuyentes británicos, los que financian la UE, y merecen que se haga algo mejor que esto con su dinero.
The EU is funded by its citizens, including hard-pressed taxpayers in the UK. They deserve better than this for their money.
to grind down {vb} (oppress)

Context examples for "oprimido" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
También hablo en nombre del pueblo oprimido de Zimbabwe que demanda justicia.
I also speak on behalf of the oppressed people of Zimbabwe who are crying out for justice.
Si uno se siente oprimido en su dignidad e individualidad, eso conduce al separatismo.
If I feel that my dignity and identity are being suppressed, then I turn to separatism.
palabra profética en defensa del oprimido y el servicio caritativo dan
both the prophetic word in defence of the poor and charitable service give
El pueblo tibetano está oprimido, especialmente los monjes.
In Tibet, there is severe oppression of the Tibetan people, especially of monks.
Los uigures son un pueblo oprimido de unos nueve millones de habitantes.
The Uighurs are a suppressed people numbering only nine million.
Durante su gobierno ha oprimido a su pueblo y violado el derecho internacional en multitud de aspectos.
Throughout his rule he has oppressed his people and violated international law in many areas.
Se trata de un país ilegalmente ocupado por China y cuyo pueblo está siendo oprimido por ese régimen.
It is a country that is illegally occupied by China and its people are oppressed by that regime.
Esta pretensión ha sido la piedra angular de Rugova durante todos los años que ha liderado a su pueblo, oprimido por Milosevic.
This demand has been a cornerstone for Mr Rugova in all the years he has led his oppressed countrymen.
¿Con aquellos que han oprimido, expulsado, violado y asesinado al pueblo kosovar o con aquellos que han sido víctimas?
Is it to those who have oppressed, driven out, raped and murdered the Kosovar people, or to those who have suffered all of this?
Sin embargo, al mismo tiempo han oprimido a su pueblo, y es por ello que tengo reservas sobre los apartados 24 y 25.
However, they have at the same time been oppressing their own people, which is why I have reservations about paragraphs 24 and 25.
tenía el corazón oprimido por la pena
his heart was heavy with sadness
¿O estima usted, señor Schüssel, que se puede pedir al oprimido que negocie con el opresor que le tiene sujeto por el cuello?
Or do you think, Mr Schüssel, that you can ask the oppressed to negotiate while the hands of his oppressor are still around his throat?
Los ciudadanos de Moldova, Albania, Georgia y Ucrania, junto con el pueblo oprimido de Belarús, tienen grandes esperanzas en la UE.
The people of Moldavia, Albania, Georgia and Ukraine, together with the oppressed people of Belarus all have high hopes of the EU.
Me da pena lo que sucede en estas islas, ya que hemos abusado y oprimido a ese pueblo y una parte del mismo reside en los Países Bajos.
I very much regret that it should be happening in the Moluccas, because we too abused and repressed the people there, some of whom are now living in the Netherlands.
Queremos ayudar a un pueblo que es oprimido masivamente por su Gobierno y, en parte, matado y destruidas todas sus pertenencias.
We want to come to the assistance of a people which is being brutally suppressed, sometimes to the point of death, and whose possessions are being destroyed, by its own government.
Eso habría dado esperanzas al oprimido pueblo de Zimbabwe y habría requerido también una verdadera capacidad de liderazgo, que es precisamente por lo que no se hizo.
That would have given heart to oppressed Zimbabweans, and it would also have required real leadership - which is precisely why it did not happen.
No se trata de Hamas, es la rebelión de un pueblo cansado de estar oprimido, descontento con sus dirigentes y que quiere tomar decisiones.
This is not the work of Hamas: it is the uprising of a people who have had enough of being oppressed and are not being given satisfaction even by their own leaders and decision-makers.
Señora Presidenta, el Tíbet es un país precioso y su pueblo es sincero, es paciente y está siendo oprimido -seguramente el más oprimido por los chinos en toda la región-.
Madam President, Tibet is a beautiful country and its people are devout, they are patient and they are oppressed - probably the most oppressed by the Chinese in that whole region.
Es preciso que se desprenda de ellas, en parte para que haya paz y estabilidad en la región, pero, principalmente, en interés de la libertad y democracia del pueblo oprimido del Iraq.
He must be got rid off, partly in order to create peace and stability in the region but, in the first place, in the interests of freedom and democracy for Iraq's oppressed population.
Otro grupo oprimido es la parte de la sociedad que tiene un punto de vista tradicional cristiano, que no tiene nada en contra de los homosexuales pero se escandaliza ante las marchas de homosexuales.
Another oppressed group is that part of society which has a traditional Christian outlook, which does not have anything against homosexuals but which is shocked by gay parades.