
"cautivo" in English

captive{noun} [poet.]
Pues bien, otros pueblos han pasado de ser naciones cautivas a naciones libres.
Well, other peoples changed their status from captive nations to free nations.
El que libera al cautivo inocente de una prisión y lo encierra en otra es un celador y no un liberador.
The one, who frees the innocent captive from one prison and locks him up in another, is a prison guard, not a liberator.
Hermanos y hermanas del Parlamento Europeo, me considero un portavoz libre de mis compatriotas cautivos.
Brothers and sisters of the European Parliament, I consider myself as the free spokesman for my captive countrymen and women.
Pero hemos visto que de alguna manera es usted cautivo de la voluntad de los Estados miembros.
But we have seen that you are in a way a prisoner of the will of the Member States.
La Humane Society calcula que más de dos millones de gatos y perros se encuentran cautivos en condiciones infames antes de ser sacrificados para arrancarles la piel.
The Humane Society estimates that more than two million cats and dogs are kept prisoner under disgusting conditions before being killed for the sake of their fur.
evangelizando a los pobres, liberando a los cautivos (cf.
the Good News to the poor, freeing prisoners (cf.
cautivo{adjective masculine}
Pues bien, otros pueblos han pasado de ser naciones cautivas a naciones libres.
Well, other peoples changed their status from captive nations to free nations.
El que libera al cautivo inocente de una prisión y lo encierra en otra es un celador y no un liberador.
The one, who frees the innocent captive from one prison and locks him up in another, is a prison guard, not a liberator.
Hermanos y hermanas del Parlamento Europeo, me considero un portavoz libre de mis compatriotas cautivos.
Brothers and sisters of the European Parliament, I consider myself as the free spokesman for my captive countrymen and women.
los que, cautivados por la vida de este mundo, hicieron del juego y la diversión pasajera su religión!
Such who took their religion for an amusement, sport and a pastime; who were beguiled by the life of the world.
Al igual que hoy, cautivaron las mentes de toda Europa.
Then as today they captivated the minds of the whole of Europe.
Recuerdo que observaba a mis dos hijas pequeñas construir un castillo de arena sin tener en cuenta que la marea subía, cautivadas por las conchas y ramitas con las que decoraban su obra.
I remember watching my two little girls building a sand castle, oblivious to the incoming tide, so captivated were they with the shells and twigs with which they were decorating their work.
Puede ser cautivando por medio de conceptos que intentan revolucionar la manera en que las personas interactúan con las construcciones.
We can be enthralled by theoretical concepts that intend to revolutionize how we interact with our buildings.

Context examples for "cautivo" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
El señor Paasilinna cautivó nuestra atención con su entusiasmo al tratar este punto.
Mr Paasilinna arrested our attention with great enthusiasm whilst discussing this subject.
Pero hemos visto que de alguna manera es usted cautivo de la voluntad de los Estados miembros.
Forced by the democratic will of the Chamber, Mr Barroso had to withdraw his proposal.
Después de investigar sobre mesas de mezcla digitales, me topé con la superficie D-Command y me cautivó.
After researching digital desks, I came across the D-Command and fell in love with it.
Tsiakourmas no debe seguir cautivo.
But in the meantime Mr Tsiakourmas must not be held hostage.
me cautivó con el esplendor de su belleza
I was captivated by her radiant beauty
su actuación cautivó al público
her performance enchanted the audience
cautivó al público neoyorquino
she took New York's audiences by storm
El resultado es que hay mucho conocimiento que queda cautivo en determinados espacios, en determinadas universidades, en determinadas empresas.
The result is that a lot of knowledge is confined to certain areas, in certain universities and in certain companies.
lo cautivó con su sonrisa
she captivated him with her smile
lo cautivó con su sonrisa
he was captivated by her smile
En tercer lugar, el rechazo del informe Flemming probablemente aseguraba que ningún informe pudiera ser cautivo de un interés nacional.
Thirdly, the rejection of the Flemming report probably was ensuring that no one report could be hijacked by such a national interest.
Y con ello se habría creado un mercado cautivo del propietario, un monopolio de facto en detrimento de la pluralidad informativa y de la libre competencia.
That would create an owner-dominated market, a de facto monopoly, to the detriment of media pluralism and free competition.
Los grandes grupos industriales desean mantener cautivo el acceso a los fondos de su Estado nacional y, al mismo tiempo, acceder a los fondos públicos de los países vecinos.
The big industrial cartels would like to keep access to their own state's money hostage even as they lay their hands on the public money of the country next door.