
"oppressed" in Spanish

"oppressed" in Spanish
to oppress{transitive verb}
oprimidos{adj. m pl}
When we are divided, we are weakened, and the suffering of the oppressed is prolonged.
Si nos dividimos, nos debilitamos y se prolongan los sufrimientos de los oprimidos.
What, too, will the EU do at global level as regards oppressed peoples?
¿Que hará la UE en el ámbito mundial en lo que respecta a los pueblos oprimidos?
I should not like the oppressed people to become oppressors themselves.
Tenemos que evitar que los oprimidos se conviertan en opresores.
oprimida{adj. f}
working classes which were oppressed in their fundamental rights, and the
clase obrera estaba oprimida en sus derechos fundamentales, y la Iglesia tomó
close to their people, when they are oppressed by the rich and the powerful,
Sepan estar cerca de su gente - cuando ésta se halla oprimida
We know there are different ways to freedom for people oppressed by dictators.
Sabemos que existen diferentes caminos hacia la libertad para la gente oprimida por dictadores.
oprimido{adj. m}
I also speak on behalf of the oppressed people of Zimbabwe who are crying out for justice.
También hablo en nombre del pueblo oprimido de Zimbabwe que demanda justicia.
It is a country that is illegally occupied by China and its people are oppressed by that regime.
Se trata de un país ilegalmente ocupado por China y cuyo pueblo está siendo oprimido por ese régimen.
Throughout his rule he has oppressed his people and violated international law in many areas.
Durante su gobierno ha oprimido a su pueblo y violado el derecho internacional en multitud de aspectos.
It is particularly serious when the laws are exploited to oppress people.
Es muy grave cuando las leyes se usan para oprimir al pueblo.
Uzbekistan does not need any weapons, which may be used to oppress its own population.
Uzbekistán no necesita armas, que pueden usarse para oprimir a su propia población.
His regime uses its secret services to oppress his own people with violence, murder and terror.
Su régimen se vale de sus servicios secretos para oprimir a su pueblo por medio de la violencia, el asesinato y el terror.

Synonyms (English) for "oppressed":
Context examples for "oppressed" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Hundreds of thousands of dissidents are oppressed or imprisoned in labour camps.
Cientos de miles de disidentes sufren opresión o están encarcelados en campos de trabajo.
How long can we expect the Albanians to put up with being cruelly oppressed and humiliated?
¿Cuánto tiempo esperamos que los albanos acepten la represión y la humillación?
Political leaders are imprisoned and the Burmese people brutally oppressed.
Solicitamos que se endurezcan las sanciones si esto no se cumple.
Muslims who convert to Christianity, for example, are oppressed.
Por ejemplo, los musulmanes que se convierten al cristianismo son objeto de opresión.
There are a number of groups other than those mentioned today which are also oppressed.
Hay una serie de grupos, además de los que se han mencionado hoy, que también sufren opresión.
Large ethnic groups have been oppressed and any opposition nipped in the bud.
Amplios grupos étnicos son víctimas de la opresión y cualquier oposición es aplastada desde sus inicios.
They feel they have been severely oppressed by the Turkish Government and the Turkish authorities.
Consideran que el Gobierno turco y las autoridades turcas los han reprimido muy severamente.
Human rights campaigners and opponents of the regime are oppressed and persecuted.
Se arresta, tortura y condena a penas de prisión a manifestantes pacíficos después de juicios que no son más que farsas.
Executions are common, the Tibetans are oppressed and Taiwan is subject to blatant threats from Beijing.
Hay numerosas ejecuciones, se persigue a los tibetanos y Pekín somete a Taiwán a periódicas amenazas.
More news keeps on coming in, for example the news that members of FUNCINPEC are still being oppressed.
Cada vez llegan nuevas noticias de que, por ejemplo, los miembros del FUNCINPEC siguen siendo reprimidos.
oppressed, to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord."19
para anunciar un año de gracia del Señor ».19
And whoever defends himself after he has been wronged (or been oppressed), for such there is no blame against them.
Sin embargo, los que se defienden después de haber sido tratados injustamente –no incurren en reproche:
The dictatorship of mullahs is not the only regime under which women are barbarically oppressed, however.
Sin embargo, la dictadura de los mullahs no es el único régimen bajo el que las mujeres sufren una extrema opresión.
marginalized, uprooted and oppressed.
sociedades de excluidos, marginados, rechazados y eliminados.
Only with broad international support do the oppressed Burmese people have a chance of ousting the generals.
El pueblo de Myanmar sólo tendrá una oportunidad de derrocar a los generales si cuentan con un amplio apoyo internacional.
It should be said that the rapporteur is herself part of this minority, which proves that it is not as oppressed as all that.
Convendría decir que la misma ponente forma parte de esta minoría, lo que demuestra que no es tanta la opresión.
his sense of wrongdoing oppressed him
lo agobiaba la conciencia de haber obrado mal
He has closed eight television and radio stations and has made sure that every other voice of opposition is oppressed.
Ha cerrado ocho canales de televisión y emisoras de radio y se ha asegurado de que sean acalladas las voces de la oposición.
Many states and many people around the world, including dissidents and the oppressed, follow this exercise with very great interest.
También hay que estructurar mejor las reuniones, exactamente como ha dicho mi colega el señor Ribeiro e Castro.
Save for the weak (oppressed) men, and women, and children, who had no means, stratagem or guidance;
A excepción de aquellos realmente incapacitados --hombres, mujeres o niños-- que carezcan de fuerzas y a quienes no se ha mostrado el camino recto: