
"oprimida" in English

"oprimida" in English
oprimida{adjective feminine}
oprimida{adjective feminine}
clase obrera estaba oprimida en sus derechos fundamentales, y la Iglesia tomó
working classes which were oppressed in their fundamental rights, and the
Sepan estar cerca de su gente - cuando ésta se halla oprimida
close to their people, when they are oppressed by the rich and the powerful,
Sabemos que existen diferentes caminos hacia la libertad para la gente oprimida por dictadores.
We know there are different ways to freedom for people oppressed by dictators.

Context examples for "oprimida" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
clase obrera estaba oprimida en sus derechos fundamentales, y la Iglesia tomó
working classes which were oppressed in their fundamental rights, and the
Sabemos que existen diferentes caminos hacia la libertad para la gente oprimida por dictadores.
We know there are different ways to freedom for people oppressed by dictators.
Sepan estar cerca de su gente - cuando ésta se halla oprimida
close to their people, when they are oppressed by the rich and the powerful,
El pueblo tibetano es de religión budista, religión oprimida continuamente por el Gobierno.
The Tibetan people are devoted Buddhists whose religion is continuously oppressed by the government.
También son la comunidad más oprimida de Europa en este momento.
They are also the most oppressed community in Europe at present.
El problema es que la oposición de Bielorrusia no podría sobrevivir, porque está oprimida por el régimen.
The problem is that the opposition in Belarus could not survive because it is crushed by the regime.
En esta ocasión, debemos garantizar que nuestra ayuda a esta minoría oprimida no acabe en declaraciones vacías.
Let us try, this time, to ensure that our help for this oppressed minority does not end with empty declarations.
La población es oprimida de manera brutal y la dictadura militar apenas respeta uno solo de los derechos humanos.
The people are being brutally suppressed, and the military dictatorship has not the slightest respect for human rights.
Una gran parte de los habitantes del planeta vive todavía oprimida, privados de muchos de sus derechos fundamentales.
A large proportion of the world's population is still living under oppression, with many deprived of their basic rights.
"La religión es el lamento de la criatura oprimida, el ánimo de un mundo sin corazón y el espíritu de una situación desalmada.
"Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world and the soul of soulless conditions.
" La religión es el lamento de la criatura oprimida, el ánimo de un mundo sin corazón y el espíritu de una situación desalmada.
" Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world and the soul of soulless conditions.
La oposición democrática está oprimida desde su elección el 27 de mayo de 1990, y más de 2.000 personas están encarceladas.
The democratic opposition has been suppressed since it was elected on 27 May 1990, and more than 2000 people are in prison.
Repito: debe proporcionársele ayuda urgente e incondicional a una nación oprimida y así poner fin a este viejo conflicto.
I repeat: unconditional and urgent assistance should be provided to an oppressed nation, thus putting an end to this old conflict.
Me sorprendió muchísimo, señor Jouyet, porque no me siento amenazada aquí, al contrario, me siento bastante oprimida por todas esas barreras.
I was really very surprised, Mr Jouyet, because I do not feel threatened here and, on the contrary, I feel rather oppressed by all these barriers.
¿Qué medidas prevé adoptar la Comisión para apoyar a la oprimida población cristiana de Timor Oriental tras los cambios políticos en Indonesia?
What measures does the Commission intend to take to support the oppressed Christians in East Timor following the political changes in Indonesia?
Si deseamos resolver este problema debemos ser serios y situarlo en su contexto, porque la gente que sufre es pobre, está enferma, oprimida, no es libre de trabajar y vive en pésimas condiciones.
If we are to address this issue we have to be serious and put it into context, because the people who are suffering are poor, sick, oppressed, not free to work and live in harsh conditions.