
"ducking" in Spanish

to give sb a ducking
darle un chapuzón a algn
aguadilla{f} [Spa.] [coll.]
they gave him a ducking
le hicieron una aguadilla
to duck[ducked · ducked] {transitive verb}
We cannot afford to duck our responsibilities here.
No podemos permitirnos eludir nuestra responsabilidad.
It should not duck its responsibilities yet again.
No debe eludir sus responsabilidades una vez más.
Croatia cannot duck that issue.
Croacia no puede eludir este problema.
This ducks the difficult issues posed by the need for stock recovery.
Esto es esquivar los difíciles problemas planteados por la necesidad de que se recuperen las poblaciones.
duck(also: drake)
The Ruddy Duck (Oxyura jamaicensis) is a North American bird introduced to the UK over 50 years ago.
El pato zambullidor grande (Oxyura jamaicensis) es un ave introducida en el Reino Unido hace 50 años.
The Celtic Tiger has shown itself to be a lame duck that the rest of Europe has to lend a helping hand and take by its limp wings.
El Tigre celta ha demostrado no ser más que un pato cojo al que el resto de Europa debe echar una mano y sostener por sus alas caídas.
duck with orange sauce
pato a la naranja
duck(also: foot, leg)
duck(also: zero, love, nil, cipher)
a lame-duck official
un cero a la izquierda
tesoro{m} [coll.]
duck(also: sunshine)

Synonyms (English) for "ducking":
Context examples for "ducking" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Ducking, or avoiding having to pick up cards, usually helps your opponents.
El hecho de no llevarse las cartas suele ayudar a sus adversarios.
Opening with a low card will often keep other players from ducking the trick by playing a lower card.
Comenzar la partida con cartas bajas hará que el resto de los jugadores evite llevarse la mano jugando cartas más bajas todavía.
they gave him a ducking
le hicieron una aguadilla
to give sb a ducking
darle un chapuzón a algn
This opposition - on my part too, I would point out - was not ducking the issue and did not reflect a lack of courage, quite the opposite.
Esta actitud de rechazo -atención, también mía- no ha sido un pellizco, tampoco ha sido una expresión de poca valentía, sino todo lo contrario.
Is it in a position to prove its credentials in fighting international terrorism, or is it only interested in ducking its responsibility?
En especial, quisiera formular una pregunta complementaria al representante del Consejo sobre el tema de la Directiva de los trabajadores temporales.