"controller" in English
"controller" in English
"controller" in Spanish
controller(also: director, prison governor, headmaster, master)
financial controller
director financiero
As Vice President, Controller and Chief Accounting Officer, Karl Johnsen oversees Avid’s accounting, financial reporting and revenue operations worldwide.
Como vicepresidente, controlador y director de Contabilidad, Karl Johnsen supervisa la contabilidad de Avid, los informes financieros y sus operaciones económicas en todo el mundo.
You now want to scrap the independence of the Financial Controller and make him report to the relevant Director-General as part of the reform programme.
Ahora quiere suprimir a este interventor financiero independiente y someterlo jerárquicamente como parte del programa de reforma al correspondiente Director General especializado.
controller(also: director, prison governor, manageress, master)
financial controller
directora financiera
Remove ActiveDirectory from the last domain controller in the domain to be deleted.
Quite ActiveDirectory del último controlador de dominio del dominio que se va a eliminar.
Can a controller work without being employed by an air navigation service provider?
¿Puede trabajar un controlador sin estar empleado por un proveedor de servicios de navegación aérea?
The computer is connected to a network that contains an Active Directory domain controller.
El equipo está conectado a una red que incluye un controlador de dominio de Active Directory.
If control is not exercised by Parliament, then there is no control.
Si el Parlamento Europeo no lleva a cabo este control, no habrá ningún otro control.
That is why there must be Council control in addition to Parliament control.
Por eso este control debe completarlo el control del Consejo.
The selected control is transformed into an image control.
El campo de control seleccionado se convertirá en un campo de control de imagen.
control(also: address, direction, editorship, forwarding address)
We are going to create a management and control system in every Directorate-General.
Vamos a crear en cada Dirección General un sistema de gestión y de control.
assist the Cardinal who had control of the affairs of State and to attend
intimus, para ayudar al Cardenal responsable de la dirección de
There is then already some control over regional planning on a European level.
Una cierta dirección en la ordenación del territorio a nivel europeo ya sólo por eso es lógica.
control(also: dominance, domination, mastery)
Russia wants to increase its influence and signal its interest in dominating and controlling processes such as oil and gas supplies to Europe.
Rusia quiere incrementar su influencia y señalar su interés en procesos de dominación y control como el abastecimiento de petróleo y gas a Europa.
They do not accept to be deprived of the control of their future.
No acepta ser desposeído del dominio de su futuro.
In the section of your domain, click Domain Control Panel.
En la sección del dominio, haga clic en Domain Control Panel.
The Domain Control Panel of your domain opens.
Se abrirá la página Domain Control Panel de su dominio.
control(also: command, channel-changer)
The structure and control of the operation are vital to the command of the operation.
La estructura y el control de la operación son vitales para el mando de la operación.
Use a remote control with Windows Media Center
Usar un mando a distancia con Windows Media Center
No function is ever more than a button push away from a rotary control, switch, or fader.
Ninguna función requiere nada más que activar un botón y utilizar un mando giratorio, interruptor o fader.
control(also: supervision)
The Bolivian State will be in control at the wellheads and inspection centres.
El Estado boliviano controlará en las bocas de pozo o en centros de fiscalización.
That will enable us to give proper scrutiny and proper control of the budget.
Ello nos permitirá una fiscalización y un control adecuados del presupuesto.
Our approach, which is based on controlling the supply of drugs, is using up massive resources.
Nuestra actitud, que se basa en la fiscalización del suministro de drogas, nos obliga a gastar enormes recursos.
It should say 'ineffective control' , not 'inadequate control' .
Esto está mal traducido, debería decir «en una regulación inefectiva».
It should say 'ineffective control ', not 'inadequate control '.
Esto está mal traducido, debería decir« en una regulación inefectiva».
That way, regulation and quality control for agricultural products will become easier.
De esta forma, la regulación y el control de calidad de los productos agrícolas serán más fáciles.
I have been able to observe their efforts closely, as well as their coordination with all the members of the Committee on Budgetary Control.
He sido testigo de excepción de su esfuerzo, y de su coordinación con todos los miembros de la Comisión de Control Presupuestario.
Controls, tell-tales and indicators for two- or three-wheel motor vehicles (codified version) (vote)
Identificación de los mandos, testigos e indicadores de los vehículos de motor de dos o tres ruedas (versión codificada) (votación)
The 15-State Europe has already brought a number of institutional innovations: Mr CFSP is totally outside the Commission's control.
PESC se le ha ido de las manos el control de la Comisión.
control(also: authority, officer, leadership)
I am not in control of Parliament's procedures for putting this on their agenda.
No tengo ninguna autoridad sobre los procedimientos del Parlamento para incluir este punto en el orden del día.
Yes, a European authority should be able to have actual control over the data that will be transferred.
Sí, una autoridad europea debería poder controlar los datos que vayan a transferirse.
Another thing required of the competent authority is the integration of controls.
Otra cosa que se exige a la autoridad competente es la integración de controles.
When we come to immigration and the drugs control policy, we have virtually the same situation: our debate always takes the same form.
En la cuestión de la inmigración y de la política de la lucha contra la droga tenemos casi la misma situación: somos testigos de un debate que está cortado siempre por los mismos patrones.
control(also: regulating)
If so does he see any reason or opportunity to take action to control it?
En caso afirmativo,¿cree que hay motivo y posibilidades para una actuación reguladora?
If so does he see any reason or opportunity to take action to control it?
En caso afirmativo, ¿cree que hay motivo y posibilidades para una actuación reguladora?
This debate on the democratic control of regulatory acts signals a new era for European democracy.
El presente debate sobre el control democrático de actos reguladores señala una nueva era para la democracia europea.
Synonyms (English) for "controller":
Context examples for "controller" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Microsoft Xbox 360 for Windows Wireless Game Controller
Logitech Freedom 2.4 Cordless Joystick USB Game Controller
Logitech Squeezebox Hand held Wireless Media Controller
Logitech Squeezebox Wireless Internet Media Receiver
Logitech Squeezebox Hand held Wireless Media Controller
Logitech Squeezebox Wireless Internet Media Player
Logitech G13 Advanced Gameboard Game Controller
Saitek Pro Flight Rudder Pedals pedals Game Controller
Microsoft Xbox 360 for Windows Game Controller
Saitek Pro Flight Rudder Pedals pedals Game Controller
Logitech Freedom 2.4 Cordless Joystick USB Game Controller
Logitech G27 Racing Wheel Game Controller
Logitech Freedom 2.4 Cordless Joystick USB Game Controller
Logitech Force 3D Pro Game Controller
Logitech Squeezebox Hand held Wireless Media Controller
Logitech 970-000001 Revue Media Receiver
Logitech G13 Advanced Gameboard Game Controller
Logitech Flight System G940 Game Controller
Logitech Flight System G940 Game Controller
Logitech G13 Advanced Gameboard Game Controller
Logitech Squeezebox Hand held Wireless Media Controller
Denon AVR-4310 A/V Media Receiver
Logitech Flight System G940 Game Controller
Logitech Attack 3 Joystick Game Controller
Logitech Attack 3 Joystick Game Controller
Microsoft Xbox 360 Wireless Game Controller
Logitech Force 3D Pro Game Controller
Logitech G13 Advanced Gameboard Game Controller
Logitech Driving Force GT Game Controller
Logitech Attack 3 Joystick Game Controller
Logitech G27 Racing Wheel Game Controller
Saitek X52 Pro USB Flight Game Controller
Microsoft Xbox 360 for Windows Game Controller
Saitek PS41 Aviator Game Controller
Microsoft Xbox 360 Game Controller
Saitek P3600 Cyborg Rumble Pad Game Controller
Logitech G27 Racing Wheel Game Controller
Logitech Force 3D Pro Game Controller
Logitech Force 3D Pro Game Controller
Logitech G27 Racing Wheel Game Controller
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