
"to come down on" in Spanish

"to come down on" in Spanish

Context examples for "to come down on" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Where do you come down in the argument concerning the percentage of CO2 reduction?
¿Dónde se posiciona en el debate con respecto al porcentaje de reducción de CO2?
The declared objective is to come down on 'terrorist propaganda' on the Internet.
El objetivo declarado es luchar contra la "propaganda terrorista" en Internet.
The draft act has, I believe, come down decisively on one side of the line.
Creo que el proyecto de ley se decanta decididamente por un lado de la línea.
Wherever there has been deregulation, telephone charges have come down!
En todos los lugares donde se ha deregulado, las tarifas telefónicas han bajado.
That is why it is important to come down to a lower level by no later than 2005.
Por lo tanto, es importante llegar a un nivel más bajo antes de 2005.
Does this document today not ultimately come down to words and pious hopes?
¿No se reduce este documento hoy, en última instancia, a palabras y esperanzas piadosas?
It is therefore important to come down to a lower level by no later than 2005.
Por lo tanto, es importante llegar a un nivel más bajo antes de 2005.
Indeed, the overall increase has come down from 6.5% to around 5.8%.
Efectivamente, el incremento global se ha reducido de un 6,5 % a cerca del 5,8 %.
That is why we do not wish to come down on the side of any particular process.
Por esto no queremos anticipar una preferencia unilateral por un procedimiento determinado.
With less money it will come down to the Commission doing much, but nothing well.
Con menos dinero, la Comisión hará muchas cosas, pero ninguna bien.
The year 2000 is nearly upon us and unemployment has not come down nor is it likely to reduce.
El 2000 ha llegado prácticamente y el desempleo no ha disminuido, ni va a disminuir.
They turn a blind eye to fraud or do not come down hard enough at any rate.
Hacen la vista gorda ante el fraude o al menos no lo combaten de forma suficientemente enérgica.
Health, however, does not come down to a simple matter of accountancy.
No obstante, la salud no se reduce a una mera cuestión de contable.
Consequently, we have to come down hard on those behind it.
Por tanto, tenemos que perseguir con mano dura a quienes están detrás de ella.
Although often suspected of arrogance, the Commission has managed to come down off its pedestal.
Con frecuencia sospechosa de arrogancia, la Comisión ha sabido descender de su pedestal.
I thought the Commission was going to come down hard on this whole issue.
Pensé que la Comisión penalizaría duramente todo este asunto.
Cuba is proof that in the western world not all of the walls of shame have come down.
. Cuba es la prueba de que en el mundo occidental no han caído todos los muros de la vergüenza.
It is an issue on which I myself have yet to come down on one side of or the other.
Se trata de un tema en el que aún no he tomado partido.
It seems I have to come down to the very front to do that.
Tengo la impresión de que será preciso que vaya hasta la primera fila para conseguirlo.
This recommendation does not come down for or against the legalisation of addictive substances.
Esta recomendación no se declara a favor ni en contra de la legalización de sustancias adictivas.