
"carina" in English

"carina" in Spanish
carina{noun} [anat.]
Y así se había ganado el cariño de todos los malagueños Martín Carpena.
That is how Martín Carpena won the affection of all the people of Malaga.
Estoy convencido que esto ayudaría a recuperar el cariño por Europa.
I am convinced that that will help restore the affection felt for Europe.
Reitero mi afecto, mi cariño y mi profunda solidaridad.
May I reiterate once again my affection and deepest solidarity with Chile.
El cariño no puede ser la responsabilidad exclusiva de un cuidador informal o, incluso, del Estado miembro pertinente.
Caring cannot be the sole responsibility of the informal carer or, indeed, of the Member State.
te lo presto, pero trátalo con cariño
I'll lend it to you, but take good care of it
sentir cariño por
to care for
Perdóneme, señor De Rossa, usted sabe cuál es mi amistad por usted y mi cariño por usted, pero no podemos reabrir el debate.
Excuse me, Mr De Rossa, you know that I have great respect and fondness for you, but we cannot reopen the debate.
cariño(also: niño)
kiddo{noun} [coll.]
cariño(also: amor)
aroha{noun} [NZE] (love, affection)
attachment{noun} (fondness)
cariño(also: nena)
baby{noun} (girlfriend)
cariño(also: chico)
baby{noun} (boyfriend)
chuck{noun} [Brit.] [dial.] (as term of endearment)
cariño(also: cielo)
love{noun} (to loved one)
Se trata de resaltar el amor y el cariño, el don de la existencia, la perpetuación de la vida y la fidelidad.
It is about showing love and tenderness, about the gift of life, about carrying life forward and about faithfulness.
Les acompaña también el cariño del Papa, la solidaridad de la Iglesia, el calor fraterno de los hombres y mujeres de buena voluntad.
You are accompanied by the tender love of the Pope, the solidarity of the Church and the fraternal warmth of all men and women of goodwill.
para Paul, con cariño de Jane
to Paul with love from Jane
tenderness{noun} (affection)
Se trata de resaltar el amor y el cariño, el don de la existencia, la perpetuación de la vida y la fidelidad.
It is about showing love and tenderness, about the gift of life, about carrying life forward and about faithfulness.
toots{noun} [Amer.] [slg.]
hon{noun} [coll.] (as form of address)
honey{noun} [coll.]
honeybun{noun} [Amer.] (as form of address)
honeybunch{noun} [Amer.] (as form of address)
cariño(also: cielo)
sugar{noun} [Amer.] [coll.]
nadie podrá nunca ocupar tu lugar, cariño
nobody can ever replace you, my darling
lo que tú digas, cariño
whatever you say, darling
no llores cariño
don't cry, dear
sweety{noun} [coll.]
sweetie{noun} [fam.]
dearie{noun} [coll.] (term of affection)
deary{noun} [coll.] (term of affection)
honey{interj.} [fam.]
carina{m} [anat.]
carina(also: keel)
quilla{f} [naut.]