
"amor" in English

"amor" in English
El amor de un humano hacia otro nunca disminuye por su género o sexualidad: es amor.
The love of one human being for another is never lessened by gender or sexuality: it is love.
"No hay amor, sólo demostraciones de amor", nos recordaba Jean Cocteau.
'There is no love, there is only proof of love,' Jean Cocteau told us.
es amor recibido, y que en dicho amor está ya encerrado, como
before any choice whatsoever, is love received, and that in this love is already
. - (NL) Señor Presidente, señora Comisaria, Señorías, dentro de dos días será San Valentín, el día del amor y del cariño.
. - (NL) Mr President, Commissioner, ladies and gentlemen, in two days' time, it will be Valentine's Day, day of love and affection.
En conclusión, no debemos olvidar nunca que ningún servicio de guardería, por bueno que sea, puede sustituir al amor y al afecto de los padres.
In conclusion, let us never forget that no childcare services, however good they may be, can replace parental love and affection.
Ojalá su afecto y evidente amor a este Parlamento, a estas instituciones europeas, sean contagiosos cuando intervenga usted en reuniones durante su mandato.
May your affection and obvious love of this Parliament, of these European institutions prove to be infectious as you address gatherings throughout your term in office.
amor(also: cariño)
aroha{noun} [NZE] (love, affection)
sweetheart{noun} [coll.]
cantante se casa con su amor de la infancia
singer weds childhood sweetheart
se casó con el amor de su niñez
she married her childhood sweetheart
amor(also: viejo)
darling{noun} [coll.]
siempre serás mi amor
you'll always be my darling
dear{noun} [coll.]
Con esta certeza, ustedes, queridos esposos, han de ser, de modo especial para sus hijos, signo real y visible del amor de Cristo por la Iglesia.
With this certainty, you, dear husbands and wives, are called to be, especially for your children, a real and visible sign of the love of Christ for the Church.
Si lo sabe, seguramente no optará por los productos más baratos, sino por productos algo más caros pero que demuestren su amor por los animales.
In this case, the consumer would certainly not reach for the cheap goods, but opt for a somewhat dearer product that would show his credentials as a animal lover.
Sin embargo, en este momento quizá tengamos que tener el suficiente amor propio para hablar categóricamente y oponernos a determinadas cosas, y respetar aquellos ideales que más nos importan.
However, at this moment perhaps, we ought to have enough self-respect to speak categorically and oppose certain things, and to respect those ideals which are dear to us.
honey{noun} [Amer.] [coll.]

Context examples for "amor" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
con el amor del Creador y del Salvador, quien por medio de ellos aumenta y
of the Creator and the Saviour, who through them will enlarge and enrich his own
sentido de la verdadera justicia, el respeto de la dignidad personal, amor y
material goods...a sense of true justice...respect for the personal dignity of
familias rotas e incapaces de amor, viven a menudo situaciones de penuria
know the beauty of faith, who come from families which are broken and incapable
designio que Dios ha manifestado en su Revelación: su amor absolutamente
the plan that God has manifested in his revelation:....the absolutely faithful
compromiso en favor del Evangelio y la plena confianza en el amor de Dios,
the spirit of steadfast commitment to the Gospel and complete trust in God's
Quienquiera que incurra en deudas por amor a las mismas está dilapidando el futuro.
We also need a debate on the Commission’ s powers to implement the Pact.
nueva de amor, que es imagen viva y real de la unión de Cristo con la
that is the living and real image of that unique unity that makes of the Church
voluntad de amor ante el dolor y la muerte, ante la cárcel o la soledad,
the face of pain and death, in the face of imprisonment or isolation, in the
su amor a Cristo, a la Iglesia y al hombre, pudiendo decir con S.Pablo: "Me
humankind, being able to say with St. Paul: "I made myself all things to
cultivo auténtico del amor conyugal y toda la estructura de la vida
not making the other purposes of matrimony of less account, the true practice of
cuanto drama profundo, que se desarrolla entre el amor del padre y la
the very mystery of mercy, as a profound drama played out between the father's
significa más bien energía espiritual que sabe defender el amor de
sexuality or lack of esteem for it: Rather it signifies spiritual energy capable
como un lenguaje de amor: donación aceptación - compromiso, que no
self-giving, acceptance, commitment that does not close persons in on themselves
Padre y de su amor ».6 Las palabras citadas son un claro testimonio
The words that I have quoted are clear testimony to the fact that man cannot be
de amor y de obediencia al Romano Pontífice, principio y fundamento
obedience to the Roman Pontiff, perpetual and visible principle and foundation
del amor de Dios a su pueblo y los convierte en signos vivos de la verdad
his people and makes them living signs of the truth that "the Kingdom of
Por último, señor Blair, ¿qué ha hecho usted para despertar el amor por Europa?
Finally MrBlair, what have you done to make Europe more popular?
amor de los esposos y las ofensas contra la dignidad del matrimonio, nn. 2360 - 2391.
spouses and offences against the dignity of marriage, nos. 2360-2391.
el binomio indispensable para la elevación y la plenitud del amor
of the sacrament represent the indispensable elements for the elevation and the
Jn 4, 8), un amor que redime al hombre y lo rescata de sus múltiples
and saves it from a manifold misery in order to restore all men and women to