
"all over again" in Spanish

"all over again" in Spanish
de nuevo{adv.}
This is not the time to have that argument all over again.
No es momento de volver a discutir de nuevo la cuestión.
And then later in the year Mr Nielson was told they were going to lower them all over again.
Nielson que iban a reducirlos de nuevo.
They would not like to find themselves in some sort of new centralised organisation all over again.
No quisieran encontrarse de nuevo con el mismo tipo de organización centralizada.

Context examples for "all over again" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Every time we receive groups of visitors, we have to explain it all over again.
Cada vez que recibimos a grupos de visitantes, tenemos que volver a explicarlo todo.
We go round all the countries, therefore, but that could begin all over again endlessly.
Dejemos que todos los países se pronuncien, pero todo esto podría durar eternamente.
And then later in the year Mr Nielson was told they were going to lower them all over again.
Y más adelante este año, le dijeron al Sr. Nielson que iban a reducirlos de nuevo.
In this morning's debate in this Chamber, we are repeating all the same things all over again.
También en el debate de hoy en el Pleno todos estamos diciendo las mismas cosas.
Mr President, if we change the meaning of the paragraph, the debate will start all over again.
Señor Presidente, si se cambia el sentido del apartado reanudamos el debate.
They would not like to find themselves in some sort of new centralised organisation all over again.
No quisieran encontrarse de nuevo con el mismo tipo de organización centralizada.
No, it is indeed a question of discussing, rethinking and reviving a European project all over again.
No, aquí se trata de replantear, de volver a pensar y motivar un proyecto europeo.
Very often we just repeat the same things all over again.
Lamentablemente esto no significa que no quede nada por decir sobre esta cuestión.
There is no need for those countries that have clear soil protection to do it all over again.
Aquellos países que tengan una protección del suelo clara no tienen por qué volver a realizarla.
So many right and good things have been said that it would be wrong to repeat them all over again.
Ya se han dicho tantas cosas positivas y acertadas que sería erróneo repetir todo de nuevo.
The Ecofin Council had to start all over again on Monday.
El Consejo de Economía y Finanzas tuvo que empezar de cero el lunes.
Which means the debate would start all over again.
Esto significaría que la cuestión volvería a plantearse desde el principio.
Very often we just repeat the same things all over again.
Con mucha frecuencia simplemente repetimos lo mismo una y otra vez.
In 2008-2009, we will be reviewing all the figures all over again.
En 2008-2009 volveremos a revisar todas las cifras.
So some of us will be reliving that disaster all over again.
Algunos de nosotros reviviremos el accidente una vez más.
This is not the time to have that argument all over again.
No es momento de volver a discutir de nuevo la cuestión.
They will seize the opportunity to start all over again.
Ya aprovecharán otra ocasión para volver a marcharse.
Perhaps we can start the discussion all over again!
¡Tal vez podamos comenzar el debate desde el principio!
The same story all over again, except this time round the perpetrators were those who they expected to help them.
Lo mismo de siempre, excepto que esta vez los autores de estos hechos eran aquellos que debían ayudarles.
The statement that, if he had to start all over again, he would start with culture, is attributed to Jean Monet.
La afirmación de que, si tuviese que empezar de nuevo, empezaría con la cultura, se atribuye a Jean Monet.