
"abatís" in English

abatís{masculine plural}
to bring down {vb} (kill, wound)
¿De qué sirve, en efecto, ampliar el mercado interior, moderar las reglamentaciones nacionales, abatir las fronteras si es para obtener un mercado del fraude?
What is the use of extending the internal market and removing national regulations and bring down borders if the market is riddled with fraud?
to down[downed · downed] {v.t.} (shoot down)
Es necesario, hoy, hacer frente a este problema, organizarse para abatir a este régimen nacional-comunista.
We need to face up to this problem now and get down to fighting this nationalist-communist regime.
no te dejes abatir por las preocupaciones
don't let your worries get you down
La Conferencia Intergubernamental se abatió a ella misma.
The Intergovernmental Conference brought itself down.
to recline[reclined · reclined] {v.t.} (chair, backrest)
to shoot down {vb} (plane)
abatir[abatiendo · abatido] {transitive verb}
to abase {v.t.}
abatirá [a algunos y] elevará [a otros]!
Abasing some, exalting others.
Algunos rostros estarán ese Día abatidos,
Some faces on that day shall be humbled,