
"hincha" in English

supporter{noun} [sports]
Me atacaron; me llamaron gamberro; me dijeron que me había portado como un hincha de fútbol.
I was attacked; I was called a hooligan; I was told I had behaved like a football supporter.
Sin embargo, quisiera advertir que con este sistema no se pueden vulnerar el derecho a la intimidad ni los derechos individuales de cada hincha.
I should like to warn you, however, that the privacy and personal rights of the individual supporter may not be flouted in the process.
fan{noun} [sports] [coll.]
Soy un verdadero hincha deportivo, y me satisface que los acontecimientos deportivos nacionales de importancia sigan a disposición del público en los programas ordinarios de televisión.
As a keen sports fan myself, I am relieved that major national sporting events will still be available to the public on regular television channels.
rooter{noun} [Amer.] [coll.]
Se trata de lo que en neerlandés llamamos« pollos hinchados».
This is what we tend to think of in Dutch as 'bloated chickens '.
Se trata de lo que en neerlandés llamamos «pollos hinchados».
This is what we tend to think of in Dutch as 'bloated chickens'.
En lugar de concederle protagonismo, contiene numerosas propuestas burocráticas que tendrán como resultado un aparato hinchado y una aplicación morosa de las medidas.
Instead, it contains numerous bureaucratic proposals that will result in a bloated apparatus and a sluggish implementation of the measures.
to swell[swelled · swollen; swelled] {v.t.} (increase in size)
se le empezó a hinchar la cara
her face began to swell
La inflamación hace que las articulaciones se hinchen, se pongan rígidas y dolorosas y pueden originar la pérdida de la función y la discapacidad.
Inflammation makes your joints swollen, stiff and painful and may lead to loss of function and disability.
Lo que hace que las articulaciones se hinchen, se pongan rígidas y dolorosas.
This makes your joints swollen, stiff and painful.
to puff out {vb} (expand)
to puff up {vb} [Brit.] [coll.] (inflate)
to pump up {vb} (inflate)
henchir{transitive verb}
Dios y les dijo: "Sed fecundos y multiplicaos y henchid la tierra y sometedla" (Gén 1, 28).
blessed them, and God said to them, 'be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it.'"
hinchar[hinchando · hinchado] {intransitive verb}
to be a pain in the arse {vb} [Brit.] [vulg.]
to be a pain in the ass {vb} [Amer.] [vulg.]

Synonyms (Spanish) for "hincha":
Context examples for "hincha" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
me hincha su manera de hablar
the way he talks really pisses me off
me hincha su manera de hablar
the way he talks really ticks me off
me hincha su manera de hablar
I can't stand the way he talks
tenerle hincha a algn
to have a grudge against sb
Señora Oomen-Ruijten, creo que si comenzamos el debate sobre el espíritu del hincha en esta sala, especularemos en demasía sobre quienes tienen dicho espíritu y quienes no y cómo lo tienen.
Mrs Oomen-Ruijten, I think that if we start debating about a sporting spirit in this House, we will run into major problems about who is and who is not sporting, and why.