
"simpatizante" in English


Context examples for "simpatizante" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
siempre fue simpatizante de la extrema derecha
he always had extreme right-wing sympathies
Digo esto como simpatizante de Turquía.
I say this as a friend of Turkey.
Abusaron de Dora porque su padre, ausente en esos momentos, era un mero simpatizante de la oposición, el Movimiento para el Cambio Democrático.
Dora was abused because her absent father was an ordinary supporter of the opposition, the Movement for Democratic Change.
. - (SV) Hay dos cosas que un simpatizante de la UE debe explicar (si no defender) cuando vuelve a casa y habla de su labor en la UE.
in writing. - (SV) There are two things that an EU supporter has to explain (if not defend) when he goes home and talks about his work in the EU.
La resolución es provocadora porque no condena el brutal ataque por el Gobierno de Georgia, simpatizante de Europa y de la OTAN, ni el asesinato de miles de civiles.
The resolution is provocative because it does not condemn the brutal attack by the Euro-NATO government of Georgia and the murder of thousands of civilians.