
"counter measure" in Spanish

"counter measure" in Spanish
The only counter-measure is a common policy and solidarity.
La única contramedida es una política común y la solidaridad.
The multiannual programmes, the MGPs, which are before us today, were introduced as a counter-measure; for instance, this year there is MGP IV, the fourth generation.
Como contramedida se introdujeron los programas plurianuales que hoy se han debatido, los llamados MAPs.
We clearly cannot continue to take slaps in the face from Turkey; simply stopping the procedures for EU membership is not enough as a counter-measure.
Está claro que no podemos seguir recibiendo bofetadas en la cara por parte de Turquía; limitarnos a detener el proceso de incorporación a la UE no basta como contramedida.

Context examples for "counter measure" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Such cooperation will be an effective counter-measure to organized criminality.
Una cooperación semejante será una respuesta efectiva contra la delincuencia organizada.
Set up as a rapid counter-measure, now the EGF has slowed and become complicated due to bureaucracy.
El FEAG, creado como medida de respuesta inmediata, es ahora más lento y complicado debido a la burocracia.
Alternatively, is it a counter-measure and, if so, in response to what European measures?
¿Se trata de una medida unilateral, y en qué fundamento jurídico se basa, o de una medida de represalia y, de ser así, contra qué medidas europeas?
What we need is simply to take note of the failure of the MGPs instead of trying to artificially prolong the life of this ineffective and counter-productive measure.
Lo que hay que hacer es sencillamente tomar nota del fracaso de los POP en lugar de intentar prolongar artificialmente la vida de este dispositivo ineficaz y contraproducente.