
"buffet" in English

"buffet" in English
buffet{noun} [gastro.]
Buffet ha abordado esa cuestión en Francia y la felicito por ello.
Mrs Buffet has been tackling this issue in France, and I congratulate her for it.
I have naturally taken note of Mrs Buffet's statements.
ya no quedaba nada bueno en el buffet
the buffet looked pretty well picked over
Swedish cuisine is known for its Smorgåsbord (a buffet of savoury delicacies), Baltic herring, pea soup and pancakes.
La cocina sueca es conocida por el smorgåsbord (bufé variado y abundante), el arenque báltico, la sopa de guisantes y los panqueques.
cold buffet
bufé frío
buffet lunch
almuerzo bufé
cantina{f} (en una estación)
tenedor libre{m} [S. Cone]
bufé libre{m} [gastro.]
buffet{m} [gastro.]
Mrs Buffet has been tackling this issue in France, and I congratulate her for it.
Buffet ha abordado esa cuestión en Francia y la felicito por ello.
I have naturally taken note of Mrs Buffet's statements.
the buffet looked pretty well picked over
ya no quedaba nada bueno en el buffet
bufet{m} [gastro.]
cold buffet
bufet frío
to buffet[buffeted · buffeted] {transitive verb}
Shortly afterwards, storm Xynthia buffeted France.
Poco después, la tormenta Xynthia sacudió a Francia.
Even this evening we can all feel the European ship being buffeted by the storms of the financial crisis.
Incluso esta noche todos podemos sentir el barco de Europa sacudido por las tormentas de la crisis financiera.

Synonyms (English) for "buffet":
Context examples for "buffet" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Tan sólo recuerden lo que Lamfalussy, Gramlich, Volcker y Buffet dijeron hace años.
Just remember what Lamfalussy, Gramlich, Volcker and Buffett said years ago.
En tal caso, el presupuesto comunitario es un buffet libre.
The EU's budget would then become a matter of helping oneself.
En tal caso, el presupuesto es un buffet libre.
The budget would then become a matter of helping oneself.
ya no quedaba nada bueno en el buffet
the buffet looked pretty well picked over