
"como director" in English

"como director" in English
como director{adjective}
directorial{adj.} (experience)

Context examples for "como director" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Yo mismo, así como el Director General, hemos informado a dicha Comisión con regularidad.
I myself, as well as the Director-General, have regularly updated that Committee.
Sin embargo, el señor Vanhecke está siendo procesado como director de la publicación.
However, Mr Vanhecke is being prosecuted as the head of the publication.
Por ello he votado a favor del nombramiento del señor Farkas como su Director Ejecutivo.
For this reason, I voted in favour of the appointment of Mr Farkas as its executive director.
Desde 1992, se desempeña como asesor y director de circos famosos de Suiza, Francia y Estados Unidos.
In 1981, he founded the École nationale de cirque de Montréal with Pierre Leclerc.
El Consejo General aceptó formalmente su nombramiento como próximo Director General el 14 de mayo.
He was formally accepted as the next Director-General by the General Council on 14May.
Como he indicado, nuestro director gerente el señor Mingarelli viajó a la región la semana pasada.
As I indicated, our managing director Hugues Mingarelli travelled to the region last week.
Yo le conocí como Director General de Transportes y Energía.
I knew him as Director-General for Transport and Energy.
Puedo decirle que, como director de una empresa, llevo esperando desde hace años una medida tan concreta.
I can tell you that I, as a company director, have been waiting for such a concrete measure for years.
Como saben, el director general mencionó que tiene que respetar las diversas normas y reglamentos de la OLAF.
As you know, the Director-General mentioned that he has to respect the various rules and regulations of OLAF.
se estrenó como director con 'Siempre te amaré'
he made his debut as a director with 'Siempre te amaré'
Desde 1992, se desempeña como asesor y director de circos famosos de Suiza, Francia y Estados Unidos.
Since 1992, he has been a consultant and director for well-known circuses in Switzerland, France and the United States.
Resulta de todo punto inaceptable que nos lleve más de un año pensar a quién nombrar como Director de Europol.
It is totally unacceptable that we should take more than a year to think about who to choose as Director of Europol.
su reputación como director está en alza
his reputation as a director is on the rise
su reputación como director está en alza
he has a growing reputation as a director
Existe un cambio en el personal administrativo, pero hay gente que permanece como director de la escuela durante más de 20 años.
There is a turnover of administrative staff, but there are people who remain head teachers for more than 20 years.
También ha dejado huella como director de filmes y videos así como productor en el mundo de teatro, la opera y la moda.
He has also made his mark as a director in film and video as well as a producer in the world of theatre, opera and fashion.
le cayó como una pedrada al director
it went down very badly with the director
Trabajó además sobre escenarios y como director artístico o director de muchas formas de espectáculos de variedades, en especial, cabarets, musicales, canto y magia.
He owes his vocation as an actor to his mentor, man of theatre Paul Buissonneau.
El conferencista hizo una bella exposición basada en su experiencia como formador, director espiritual y de retiros.
It was a beautiful reflection that was based on his experience drawn from his work in formation, spiritual direction and retreats.
Como director de escena, conducir a todos estos deportistas y artistas de escena hacia un trabajo conjunto resulta verdaderamente apasionante.
For a stage director, being able to bring all these sportspeople and stage artists together is really exciting.