
"calladamente" in English

"calladamente" in English
callada{adjective feminine}
Mientras tanto, el reloj del calentamiento mundial sigue haciendo tictac calladamente.
Meanwhile, the global warming clock quietly ticks on.
asumió calladamente la responsabilidad
he quietly assumed responsibility
silently{adv.} (without speaking)
callada{adjective feminine}
Si la Unión Europea sigue callada, será corresponsable de la situación de los derechos humanos en Túnez.
If the European Union keeps quiet any longer, it will be partly responsible for the human rights violations in Tunisia.
es muy callada, no te inquietes por ello
she's very quiet, but don't let it bother you
sabe cuándo es mejor quedarse callada
she knows when to keep quiet

Context examples for "calladamente" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
asumió calladamente la responsabilidad
he quietly assumed responsibility
Se les acosa con objeto de que por fin se den calladamente por vencidos y abandonen, supuestamente de manera voluntaria, el empleo.
They are harassed at work, with the result that, in the end, they give in and allegedly retire from their job voluntarily.
Empezó algo calladamente y, después, a raíz de las iniciativas de voluntariado simple y puro, hoy se ha convertido en una realidad ética y comercial muy importante.
Begun somewhat inconspicuously and as purely voluntary initiatives, fair trade has today become a highly respected and ethical way to do business.