
"tácitamente" in English

"tácitamente" in English
tácita{adjective feminine}
En lugar de aprobar tácitamente los abusos de esta naturaleza, este informe tendría que criticarlos.
This report needed to criticise abuses of this nature instead of tacitly approving them.
Si aprobáramos tácitamente un enfoque de esa clase, podríamos ser considerados cómplices de esos crímenes.
If we tacitly approve of an approach of this kind, we could be regarded as being complicit in such crimes.
El acuerdo se concluye por un período de cinco años y se revisará tácitamente cada año.
The agreement is concluded for a period of five years and shall be tacitly reviewed on an annual basis.
implicitly{adv.} (by implication)
Parece que, para ellas, se acepta tácitamente que las discusiones continúen por separado.
It seems to have been implicitly accepted that discussions on these areas will continue separately, but is that actually reasonable, given that all these subjects are effectively interdependent?
tácita{adjective feminine}
La discriminación tácita o encubierta afecta por ejemplo a los ancianos.
Tacit discrimination affects older people, for example.
La vecina Sudáfrica afirma estar aplicando una diplomacia tácita, pero es tan tácita que ni siquiera se escucha en Zimbabue.
Neighbouring South Africa claims to be applying tacit diplomacy, but it is so tacit that it is not even being heard in Zimbabwe.
Debemos actuar con resolución, o, si no, quienes persiguen a los cristianos creerán que tienen nuestra bendición tácita.
We must act resolutely, or else those who persecute Christians will think they have our tacit blessing.
La naturaleza cruel de este castigo, sin embargo, oculta la verdad tácita acerca de las condiciones tradicionales y la naturaleza de la pena de la flagelación que se practica en Malasia.
The ruthless nature of this punishment, however, conceals the unspoken truth regarding the traditional conditions and nature of the punishment of caning as practised in Malaysia.

Context examples for "tácitamente" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Si aprobáramos tácitamente un enfoque de esa clase, podríamos ser considerados cómplices de esos crímenes.
The sympathy of this House is with those people in Cambodia who are fighting for democracy and human rights.