
"with great difficulty" in Spanish

she had great difficulty climbing the stairs
subió a duras penas las escaleras
with great difficulty
a duras penas
with great difficulty
a duras penas
she had great difficulty walking
caminaba con mucha dificultad
with great difficulty
con mucha dificultad
Essential infrastructure is destroyed and can only be rebuilt with great difficulty using the countries' own funds.
Las infraestructuras básicas quedan destruidas y sólo se pueden reconstruir, con mucha dificultad, usando los propios fondos de los países.
laboriosamente{adv.} (con dificultad)
Often, they can only combat these disadvantages with great difficulty, whether their action is against employers or indeed their own authorities.
A menudo es preciso combatir laboriosamente contra estos inconvenientes, bien contra los empresarios, bien contra el propio Estado.
In certain sectors, the adoption of Community rules of a general nature could therefore prejudice balances achieved with great difficulty over a period of time.
La adopción de una reglamentación comunitaria de carácter general podría, pues, alterar, en algunos sectores, equilibrios laboriosamente construidos desde hace tiempo.
she had great difficulty climbing the stairs
subió a duras penas las escaleras
with great difficulty
a duras penas
with great difficulty
a duras penas
The compromise accepted with great difficulty was only that of 'to take note'.
El compromiso, que se aceptó con gran dificultad, fue solo el de "tomar nota".
With great difficulty, unless we make some radical changes.
Con gran dificultad, a menos que introduzcamos algunos cambios radicales.
I must say that the compromise reached in the Council was achieved with great difficulty.
Tengo que añadir que el compromiso alcanzado en el Consejo se logró con gran dificultad.

Context examples for "with great difficulty" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
The compromise accepted with great difficulty was only that of 'to take note'.
El compromiso, que se aceptó con gran dificultad, fue solo el de "tomar nota".
The issue surrounding Galileo springs to mind, which has caused great difficulty.
Quiero citar como ejemplo el asunto Galileo que plantea grandes problemas.
We have had great difficulty bringing this directive to a successful conclusion.
Hemos tenido grandes dificultades para lograr que esta Directiva llegara a buen puerto.
I have no great difficulty in principle with what Mrs Oomen-Ruijten says.
En principio, lo que la Sra. Oomen-Ruijten plantea no me parece demasiado difícil.
These exchanges only lead to improvement in cooperation with great difficulty.
Estos intercambios solamente logran progresos en la colaboración con grandes esfuerzos.
It is the Council that always has great difficulty in reaching a common position.
El que siempre tiene grandes dificultades para alcanzar una posición común es el Consejo.
Again, I can see no great difficulty in dealing with that particular issue.
Una vez más no veo grandes inconvenientes para tratar este tema particular.
I hope that tomorrow we can approve this report without any great difficulty.
Espero que mañana podamos aprobar este informe sin grandes dificultades.
There is a great difficulty about examining people in a different language.
Examinar a la gente en una lengua distinta supone grandes dificultades.
A country where both production and supply are achievable only with great difficulty.
Un país en el que la producción y el abastecimiento se llevan a cabo con gran dificultad.
This change will certainly cause great difficulty as far as some of my visitors are concerned.
Este cambio ocasionará sin duda muchas dificultades a algunos de mis visitantes.
I had great difficulty in making out the Commissioner’ s concluding remarks.
He tenido grandes dificultades para entender las conclusiones finales del señor Comisario.
I had great difficulty in making out the Commissioner’s concluding remarks.
He tenido grandes dificultades para entender las conclusiones finales del señor Comisario.
I must say that the compromise reached in the Council was achieved with great difficulty.
Tengo que añadir que el compromiso alcanzado en el Consejo se logró con gran dificultad.
And we recently had great difficulty reaching a decision on that.
Y recientemente hemos tenido grandes dificultades para tomar una decisión sobre eso.
We had great difficulty in the Committee on Culture, as we have had across the board.
Hemos tenido muchas dificultades en la Comisión de Cultura, al igual que las tuvimos en el panel.
Madam President, the honourable gentleman's first question can be answered only with great difficulty.
Señora Presidenta, señor diputado, la primera pregunta es muy difícil de responder.
It was only with great difficulty that diabetes was mentioned in the Sixth Framework Programme.
Costó mucho que se incluyera la diabetes en el Sexto Programa Marco.
With great difficulty, unless we make some radical changes.
Con gran dificultad, a menos que introduzcamos algunos cambios radicales.
many regions, could only be exercised with great difficulty; (ii) the
otro modo, en muchas regiones, difícilmente hubieran podido ser