
"a duras penas" in English

subió a duras penas las escaleras
she had great difficulty climbing the stairs
a duras penas
with great difficulty
a duras penas
with great difficulty
subió a duras penas las escaleras
she had great difficulty climbing the stairs
a duras penas
with great difficulty
a duras penas
with great difficulty

Similar translations for "a duras penas" in English
Context examples for "a duras penas" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Nueve meses más tarde, conseguiremos a duras penas conceder 170 millones en 2005.
Nine months later, we are only just going to manage to donate EUR170million over 2005.
La situación social es confusa y el desarrollo democrático avanza a duras penas.
The social situation is chaotic and democratic progress painfully slow.
Además, las noticias recientes a duras penas pueden definirse como alentadoras.
Recent news can scarcely, moreover, be described as encouraging.
consiguió terminarse, a duras penas, un plato entero de espinacas
he ploughed his way through a whole plate of spinach
consiguió terminarse, a duras penas, un plato entero de espinacas
he plowed his way through a whole plate of spinach
No obstante, a mi juicio, estos hechos no justifican que nos opongamos a este compromiso que se ha conseguido a duras penas.
However, in my opinion, these facts do not justify us rejecting this hard-won compromise.
Los deportistas entran a duras penas dentro de esta definición.
Infants and young children are one category, but sportsmen hardly fit into this definition.
Este incremento de la demanda ha hecho que la producción mundial y la capacidad de refinado a duras penas puedan mantener el paso.
Because of this increased demand, global production and refining capacity has become very tight.
Pero ganaron muy a duras penas, y si hubiéramos tenido éxito nosotros, no tendríamos que molestar ahora a la Cámara.
Yet they so nearly won through and, had we succeeded, we would not have had to trouble the House on this occasion.
a duras penas se ganan la vida trabajando la tierra
they eke out out a living from the land
Como ha dicho el Comisario Barrot, algunos Estados se están retrasando, pero sin confianza, y a duras penas se les puede culpar.
As Commissioner Barrot has said, some states are delaying, but without confidence you could hardly blame them.
subió a duras penas las escaleras
she had great difficulty climbing the stairs
En este momento, el Gobierno griego está a la defensiva; intenta recoger dinero a duras penas para poder reducir su deuda.
At the moment, the Greek Government is on the defensive; it is trying to scrape money together so that it can reduce its debt.
Nuestro colega Swoboda ha extraído a duras penas algunas ideas para demostrar que hay algo de verdad en ello.
The Right Honourable Member, Mr Swoboda has scratched around for some ideas, with a view to showing that there really is some truth in this.
a duras penas alcanzaron su objetivo
they only just reached the target
¿Considera saludable el estado de la PAC cuando los auténticos agricultores -al menos en el Reino Unido- consiguen muy a duras penas ganarse la vida?
Does it find the CAP healthy when genuine farmers - in the UK at least - are struggling to make a living?
La presente Directiva acarreará unos increíbles costes para empleadores y gobierno que a duras penas podemos permitirnos en estos momentos.
This directive will bring unbelievable costs to employers and the government, which we can ill afford at this time.
El informe se ha aprobado a duras penas en la votación final por una estrecha mayoría, habiéndose abstenido casi la mitad de los miembros de la comisión.
In the final vote only a slim majority approved the report. Almost half the committee members abstained.
Tampoco deberíamos olvidar que un delito puede estar sujeto a duras penas en un país y considerarse una falta menor en otro.
Nor should we forget that a crime which may be subject to stiff penalties in one country may be regarded as a minor offence in another.
Se debe rechazar firmemente un sistema de asilo europeo basado en los principios centrales de humanitarismo y arreglárselas a duras penas.
A European asylum system based on the central principles of humanitarianism and muddling through is to be firmly rejected.