
"to light out" in Spanish

"to light out" in Spanish
mandarse a cambiar{vb} [SAm.] [coll.]
to light out
mandarse a cambiar
mandarse a mudar{vb} [SAm.] [coll.]
to light out
mandarse a mudar

Context examples for "to light out" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
And He made dark its night and its splendour does He bring out with light.
y ha hecho oscura su noche e hizo surgir su luz diurna.
As an Italian, you know what it means when a light goes out.
Por fortuna, también se le ha dado a la Agencia un papel ejecutivo.
As an Italian, you know what it means when a light goes out.
Los italianos saben lo que significa sufrir un apagón.
As a result, we can put the light out 45 minutes ahead of schedule, which will save a great deal of energy.
Esto hace que podamos apagar las luces aquí 45 minutos antes de lo proyectado ahorrando así mucha energía.
this light brings out the red in your hair
esta luz realza el rojo de tu pelo
Yes, we want to phase out existing light bulbs, but yet we impose tariffs on the import of energy-saving light bulbs.
Sí, queremos suprimir gradualmente las bombillas existentes, pero aún imponemos aranceles a la importación de bombillas de bajo consumo.
Mr President, I want to end with a remark that is inescapable at this stage in the debate: ' would the last person to leave please turn out the light' .
Señor Presidente, quería terminar con una frase que se impone en esta fase del debate parlamentario: »Que el último apague la luz».
Mr President, I want to end with a remark that is inescapable at this stage in the debate: ' would the last person to leave please turn out the light '.
Señor Presidente, quería terminar con una frase que se impone en esta fase del debate parlamentario:» Que el último apague la luz».
They desire to put out the light of Allah with their mouths, but Allah will perfect His light, though the unbelievers may be averse.
Quieren apagar la luz de Dios con sus palabras: pero Dios ha dispuesto que Su luz resplandezca plenamente, por más que les pese a los que niegan la verdad.
to light out
mandarse a cambiar
to light out
mandarse a mudar
We remember those who did not have that chance, those for whom the light of freedom went out almost as soon as they saw it; those for whom one nightmare was replaced by another.
Recordamos a quienes no tuvieron esa oportunidad, aquellos para quienes la luz de la libertad se apagó poco después de verla; aquellos que vieron una pesadilla sustituida por otra.