
"vulgarmente" in English

"vulgarmente" in English
vulgar{adjective masculine/feminine}
Estamos hablando de gestión de crisis, de acciones humanitarias, de lo que vulgarmente se llama en la jerga comunitaria "las tareas de Petersberg" .
The issue is crisis management and humanitarian actions which are commonly referred to in Community parlance as the 'Petersberg tasks' .
Estamos hablando de gestión de crisis, de acciones humanitarias, de lo que vulgarmente se llama en la jerga comunitaria " las tareas de Petersberg ".
The issue is crisis management and humanitarian actions which are commonly referred to in Community parlance as the 'Petersberg tasks '.
vulgarly{adv.} [form.] (commonly, popularly)
la flor vulgarmente conocida como …
the flower vulgarly known as …
vulgar{adjective masculine/feminine}
me trataron como a un vulgar delincuente
I was treated like a common criminal
no es más que un vulgar resfrío
it's just a common cold
Sus contenidos desafían el principio de no contradicción, e incluso del sentido común más básico y terminan conformándose con la vulgar hipocresía.
Its contents challenge the principle of non-contradiction and even basic common sense and end up settling for vulgar hypocrisy.
Hoy podríamos decir en latín vulgar aquello de ite cuestiones sunt.
Today we could use that Vulgar Latin saying, " Ite cuestiones sunt ".
Ese enfoque sería totalmente reduccionista y vulgar y no sería generoso con la reputación de Italia.
That would be a totally reductive and vulgar approach, and would in fact be ungenerous to the reputation of Italy.
No sé lo que es, señor Wolf, la acusación hace poco de marxismo vulgar.
Mr Wolf, a little while ago I accused you of vulgar Marxism.

Context examples for "vulgarmente" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
la flor vulgarmente conocida como …
the flower vulgarly known as …