"poner en evidencia" in English
"poner en evidencia" in English
Por eso la Comisión acoge con satisfacción la iniciativa del Parlamento de poner en evidencia el sufrimiento de la población en la región.
The Commission is therefore pleased with Parliament's initiative to expose the suffering of the people of that region.
poner en evidencia
to show up
poner en evidencia
to throw up
Similar translations for "poner en evidencia" in English
to make- to put on- to bung- to cast on- to deposit- to fill in- to fit- to fit- to get in- to get onto- to get up- to give- to hang out- to have on- to insert- to insert- to kick in- to lay- to lay- to open- to open up- to park- to place- to place- to plank- to plant- to play back- to plonk- to plunk- to position- to post- to post up- to put down- to put down- to put in- to put in- to put up- to put up- to put up- to reset- to say- to set- to set- to set- to set- to set down- to set in- to shove- to sit- to slip- to sow- to stand- to start- to stick- to stick up- to stow- to stuff- to affix- to play- to show- to put- to install- to lay on- to mail- to send- to pay- to switch on- to turn on- to take- to take- to contribute- to score
Context examples for "poner en evidencia" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Debemos poner en evidencia a esos países para revelar su hipocresía.
We need to bring these countries out into the open to reveal their hypocrisy.
La frustrada reforma de la Política Común de Pesca ha venido a poner en evidencia esta desafortunada situación.
The failed reform of the common fisheries policy highlighted this unfortunate situation.
No obstante, me niego a poner en evidencia a China cada dos meses, simplemente porque no se va a lograr que ceda.
However, I refuse to pillory China every two months, quite simply because that will not make it give in.
Señora Comisaria, estos informes van a poner en evidencia y encima de la mesa lo fundamental de la financiación.
Commissioner, these reports will highlight the importance of finance and bring it to the attention of all concerned.
Debemos poner en evidencia a Milosevic.
We must call Milosevic's bluff.
Y no se trata de teorizar sobre el genoma a diez o a quince años, sino de los elementos de aplicación que se pueden poner en evidencia.
This is not theoretical genomics dating back 10 or 15 years - these are elements of application that can be highlighted.
Por eso la Comisión acoge con satisfacción la iniciativa del Parlamento de poner en evidencia el sufrimiento de la población en la región.
The Commission is therefore pleased with Parliament's initiative to expose the suffering of the people of that region.
Finalmente, desearía poner en evidencia el compromiso del Parlamento Europeo en favor de las personas refugiadas y su facultad de anticipar los acontecimientos.
Finally, I must highlight Parliament's commitment to refugees and its ability to anticipate events.
Gracias a las enmiendas del ponente, un texto del Parlamento Europeo tendrá el mérito de poner en evidencia una debilidad importante del euro.
Thanks to the rapporteur's amendments, a European Parliament document will highlight an important weakness in the euro.
Dicha comunicación permite tener una visión de conjunto, sin poner en evidencia los problemas específicos de uno u otro sector particular que componen esta industria europea.
It provides an overview without highlighting the specific problems of any given sector within this European industry.
poner en evidencia
to throw up
poner en evidencia
to show up
Saludo su franqueza, señor Duisenberg, al poner en evidencia el gran salto político que han realizado los países que ya han ingresado en la zona del euro.
I welcome your frankness, Mr Duisenberg, in making clear the very big political leap which has been made by those countries which have already entered Euroland.
Ahora iba a decir si es necesario decir algo más para poner en evidencia el enorme conflicto de intereses que se surgiría si los Estados calificaran su propia deuda.
Now I was going to say whether any more needed to be said to prove the huge conflict of interest that there would be if countries effectively rated their own debt.
Lamento que, paralelamente, ésta no mencione ninguno de los errores de análisis y de los graves fallos de la Unión Europea que el« crack» ruso acaba de poner en evidencia.
I regret the fact that it does not, at the same time, mention any of the errors of analysis or the serious failings that the Russian crisis has revealed in the European Union.
La serie de accidentes mortales que se ha producido recientemente ha vuelto a poner en evidencia la sobreexplotación de los chóferes, obligados a conducir hasta que se duermen.
The series of fatal accidents that have occurred recently has once again highlighted the exploitation of drivers, who are often forced to drive to the point of falling asleep.
La otra cuestión que podemos poner en evidencia es que los sistemas de rescate eran inadecuados y que, a principios de este año, los bomberos de Alta Saboya ya advirtieron sobre este hecho.
We can also say that the rescue systems were not adequate, and warnings to that effect had already been given, at the beginning of this year, by the Haute-Savoie fire service.
Esta complejidad estructural plantea un gran número de dificultades cuando se pretenden analizar las diferentes ayudas con el fin de poner en evidencia el nivel de equidad competencial.
This structural complexity generates a considerable number of problems when it comes to analysing the differences in aid to be given so that the level of fairness in competitive terms can be gauged.
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