
"made-up" in Spanish

"made-up" in Spanish
Can you imagine Averroës going to a rap concert in Córdoba, or selling drugs on back streets, behind the wheel of a BMW, all made up and deceiving tourists on the street?
¿Puede imaginarse a Averroes en un concierto de rap en Cordoue, trapicheando en un barrio del extrarradio o al volante de un BMW, maquillado, robando a los turistas en las carreteras?
This is not something I have made up; it is in Article 23 of the Treaty of Nice.
Esto no me lo he inventado: está en el artículo 23 del Tratado de Niza.
The made-up expression “active” European values’, as promoted by this report, has no meaning whatsoever.
El término inventado de «valores europeos “activos”» que promueve este informe no significa nada.
The made-up expression “ active” European values ’, as promoted by this report, has no meaning whatsoever.
El término inventado de« valores europeos “ activos”» que promueve este informe no significa nada.

Context examples for "made-up" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
The European Union is made up of States with very different standards of living.
La Unión Europea está formada por Estados con niveles de vida muy diferentes.
We cannot, however, be satisfied with the progress made up to the present day.
Sin embargo, no debemos conformarnos con los avances logrados hasta el momento.
The report is made up of 61 points and it is exhaustive but in my opinion very opaque.
El informe consta de 61 puntos y es exhaustivo pero, en mi opinión, es muy opaco.
European society is made up of different nations which live in particular countries.
La sociedad europea se compone de distintas naciones que viven en países distintos.
The rest is made up by the institutions, the Spanish State and the families themselves.
El resto lo aportan las instituciones, el Estado español y las propias familias.
In Windows, a password can be made up of letters, numbers, symbols, and spaces.
En Windows, una contraseña puede estar formada por letras, números, símbolos y espacios.
This is not something I have made up; it is in Article 23 of the Treaty of Nice.
Esto no me lo he inventado: está en el artículo 23 del Tratado de Niza.
As a result, the processes can be speeded up and made more transparent.
Como resultado de ello, los procesos podrán acelerarse y serán más transparentes.
Unfortunately, a large proportion of this feed has to be made up of animal protein.
Desgraciadamente, una gran proporción de estos alimentos se compone de proteína animal.
We take the view that serious mistakes were made in setting up Economic and Monetary Union.
Pensamos que se cometieron errores graves al crear la Unión Económica y Monetaria.
An attempt is being made to open Europe up to the outside by means of this procedure.
Se está haciendo un intento por abrir Europa al exterior a través de este procedimiento.
This heart is made up of men and women, our scientists and engineers.
Este corazón son los hombres y mujeres, nuestros científicos, nuestros ingenieros.
Since 2004, the Commission has been made up of one Commissioner from each member state.
Desde 2004, la Comisión se compone de un comisario de cada Estado miembro.
it is made up of four countries, namely Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland
lo forman cuatro países, a saber: Suecia, Noruega, Dinamarca y Finlandia
However, I want to comment on the winding-up remarks made by Commissioner Cioloş.
Sin embargo, quiero hacer un comentario sobre las observaciones finales del Comisario Cioloş.
Stand-by duty troops would at the same time be made up of a larger whole.
Al mismo tiempo, las tropas de reserva serán parte de un todo más amplio.
religious families made up of different branches, essentially united in
Iglesia familias religiosas compuestas por varias ramas, unidas vitalmente
The remainder is made up by the verification the Commissioner is called upon to simplify.
El resto es ya la verificación que habrá de simplificar la Sra. Comisaria.
The goods vehicles drive into congestion, 80% of which is made up of cars.
Los vehículos de mercancías se introducen en los atascos, formados en un 80 % por coches.
Agriculture is therefore made up of two interdependent elements.
Por lo tanto, la agricultura está compuesta por dos elementos interdependientes.