
"inventado" in English

made-up{adj.} (story, excuse)
Esto no me lo he inventado: está en el artículo 23 del Tratado de Niza.
This is not something I have made up; it is in Article 23 of the Treaty of Nice.
El término inventado de «valores europeos “activos”» que promueve este informe no significa nada.
The made-up expression “active” European values’, as promoted by this report, has no meaning whatsoever.
El término inventado de« valores europeos “ activos”» que promueve este informe no significa nada.
The made-up expression “ active” European values ’, as promoted by this report, has no meaning whatsoever.
inventar un cuento
to make up a story
No pueden esperar que inventen algo dentro de unos meses.
You cannot expect them to conjure up something within a few months.
to cook up {vb} [coll.] [ex.]
to devise[devised · devised] {v.t.} (invent)
Por un lado, está la importante tarea de inventar formas de combatir el terrorismo y de salvar vidas.
On the one hand, there is the important task of devising ways of combating terrorism and saving lives.
En la prensa han aparecido diversas noticias sobre gente que ha inventado tales tests.
There have certainly been various reports in the press of people having allegedly devised live tests.
y que han inventado una enorme blasfemia [contra Ti],
And they devised a mighty plot.
Dudo que alguien pueda decir que esto es inventado.
I doubt that anyone would suggest that this is fabricated.
No creo que se lo estuviese inventando.
I do not believe that he would be fabricating.
Habría que dar a conocer y avergonzar a las ovejas negras que se inventan campos enteros y actividades empresariales y que causan la EEB y otros escándalos.
The black sheep who fabricate entire fields and business activities and who cause BSE and other scandals should be named and shamed.
to think up {vb} (excuse)
Por el contrario, estamos obligados a inventar un instrumento provisional tras otro.
Instead, we are forced to invent one temporary instrument after another.
No deberíamos inventar nuevas cosas; bastaría con que recordásemos las viejas tradiciones.
We should not invent new things, we should just remember the old traditions.
Debemos inventar respuestas nuevas, actitudes sociales nuevas.
We need to invent new responses and new social attitudes.
Sólo ellas pueden inventar políticas capaces de modificar unas estructuras que han sido creadas por hombres y para hombres.
Only women are in a position to come up with policies likely to change structures which have been developed by men for men.
Y no vamos a inventar, señor Rosati, ninguna nueva condición: aplicamos el Tratado, solo el Tratado, pero todo el Tratado.
We are not going to come up with any new conditions, MrRosati: we are applying the Treaty, the whole Treaty, and nothing but the Treaty.
Y no vamos a inventar, señor Rosati, ninguna nueva condición: aplicamos el Tratado, solo el Tratado, pero todo el Tratado.
We are not going to come up with any new conditions, Mr Rosati: we are applying the Treaty, the whole Treaty, and nothing but the Treaty.

Context examples for "inventado" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Nuestro continente ha inventado la política social y el Estado de bienestar.
It was on our continent that social policy and the Welfare State were invented.
Esto no me lo he inventado: está en el artículo 23 del Tratado de Niza.
This is not something I have made up; it is in Article 23 of the Treaty of Nice.
No me he inventado el procedimiento.
Mr President, I am dreadfully sorry, but I did not invent the procedure.
Se han inventado una especie de título o titular en la prensa que es totalmente erróneo.
Perhaps we should make it more visible that we have started such a service.
Antes de Dublín, ya había inventado, él también junto con Spinoza, el espacio filosófico.
He too, along with Spinoza, invented the European area of philosophy, before Dublin.
¿Afirman, acaso, algunos de ellos: “[Muhammad] ha inventado esta [historia]”?
Nor will my advice profit you were I minded to advise you, if Allah wills to keep you astray.
Si no existiera la Unión Europea, habría que haberla inventado simplemente para esto.
If the European Union did not exist, we would have had to have invented it simply for this.
Los capítulos que se han inventado ahora se denominan prosperidad, solidaridad y seguridad.
The chapters now invented are called prosperity, solidarity and security.
y no obstante, [quienes se empeñan en negar la verdad] afirman: "¡[Muhámmad] lo ha inventado!"
The revelation of the Book, wherein there is no doubt, is from the Lord of the Worlds.
Pero como este derecho es puramente inventado, se apresuran a añadir que la lista es "indicativa".
As this right is pure fabrication, it is quickly added that the list is 'indicative'.
Algunas iglesias se han inventado caminos horriblemente difíciles para llegar a Jesús.
Some churches have invented tortuous ways of getting to Jesus.
«Bruselas ha inventado otro término olvidable»: eso es lo que nos arriesgamos a escuchar.
‘Brussels has invented yet another forgettable word’ – that is what we are in danger of hearing.
Pero como este derecho es puramente inventado, se apresuran a añadir que la lista es " indicativa ".
As this right is pure fabrication, it is quickly added that the list is 'indicative '.
Una patente sugiere que el titular de la patente ha inventado todo lo que quiere patentar.
A patent suggests that the patent holder has invented everything that he or she wishes to patent.
En la prensa han aparecido diversas noticias sobre gente que ha inventado tales tests.
There have certainly been various reports in the press of people having allegedly devised live tests.
« Bruselas ha inventado otro término olvidable»: eso es lo que nos arriesgamos a escuchar.
‘ Brussels has invented yet another forgettable word ’ – that is what we are in danger of hearing.
Incluso se han inventado nuevas palabras que son ejemplos clásicos de la jerga orwelliana.
By way of example, the three laws in force in the Czech Republic on the matter are far from perfect.
Se ha inventado normas nuevas -sus propias normas- como Presidente.
You have invented new rules - your own rules - as a chairman.
Las voces de Dralion cantan en un idioma inventado cuyo significado sólo el Cirque du Soleil conoce.
The voices of Dralion sing an invented language to which only Cirque du Soleil holds the key.
Hemos inventado un nuevo concepto de transparencia.
The European Central Bank is totally independent and that is a necessity.