
"little by little" in Spanish

"little by little" in Spanish
Algeria is gaining, little by little, democratic institutions.
Argelia se está dotando, poco a poco, de instituciones democráticas.
father's house as a hired servant and possibly, little by little, to build up a
poco a poco una cierta provisión de bienes materiales; pero quizá nunca en
The additions to it will be demanded of us little by little over the year.
A lo largo del año, se nos irán exigiendo poco a poco nuevas cosas.
a poquito{adv.}
As a result, I would say that, although progress is slow, little by little this philosophy is starting to spread.
En consecuencia, no digo que mucho pero, poquito a poquito, esta filosofía se está extendiendo.
As regards Chechnya and Dagestan, this is the long-term damage left by a brutal colonial regime, which we will only get to grips with little by little.
En lo que se refiere a Chechenia y a Daguestán, se trata de los daños posteriores de un brutal régimen colonial que sólo podremos controlar paulatinamente.

Synonyms (English) for "little by little":
Similar translations for "little by little" in Spanish
Context examples for "little by little" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
father's house as a hired servant and possibly, little by little, to build up a
poco a poco una cierta provisión de bienes materiales; pero quizá nunca en
China naturally wants to become a global player, little by little.
Está claro que la China quiere convertirse poco a poco en protagonista mundial.
The additions to it will be demanded of us little by little over the year.
A lo largo del año, se nos irán exigiendo poco a poco nuevas cosas.
This is clear proof that, little by little, we have become far stricter, as should be the case.
Esto demuestra que, paso a paso, nos hemos vuelto mucho más estrictos, como debe ser.
It is important to make progress little by little, if that is the only way that progress can be made.
Es importante lograr avances poco a poco, si ésa es la única forma de lograrlos.
Now we are having to pay the penalty: always little by little, that is.
Ahora tendremos que pagar el castigo: siempre poco a poco, esto es.
Little by little, women who had been forced into prostitution spoke out publicly.
Poco a poco, las mujeres que se vieron obligadas a ejercer la prostitución empezaron a hablar públicamente.
Little by little, you are preparing to accept that the set-aside premium has to go, etc.
Poco a poco, ustedes nos preparan a admitir que la prima por poner en barbecho debe desaparecer, etc.
Algeria is gaining, little by little, democratic institutions.
Argelia se está dotando, poco a poco, de instituciones democráticas.
I am convinced that, little by little, the message gets through.
Estoy convencida de que, poco a poco, el mensaje va calando.
Little by little, concoctions are created, muddling up valid criticism with false accusations.
Poco a poco, se hacen amalgamas en las que se mezcla todo: los reproches fundados y los falsos procesos.
France was the driving force behind the construction of Europe for many years, but little by little has lost its touch.
Motor de la construcción europea durante años, Francia ha perdido la práctica.
From the outset, as opposed to little by little, we need to establish the conditions which will ensure its success.
Es preciso darle, desde luego -y no es poco-, todas las condiciones para que tenga éxito.
The forest still resists in the world Deforestation has been slowing down little by little for a decade.
El bosque resiste en el mundo La deforestación se ralentiza poco a poco desde hace una decena de años.
As a result, I would say that, although progress is slow, little by little this philosophy is starting to spread.
En consecuencia, no digo que mucho pero, poquito a poquito, esta filosofía se está extendiendo.
Little by little, many other countries are beginning to adopt federalism within their institutional system.
Poco a poco, hay muchos más Estados que empiezan a adoptar el federalismo en su sistema institucional.
Little by little the Chinese economy is being liberalised.
Poco a poco se está liberalizando la economía china.
Little by little we shall improve passengers' rights.
Poco a poco mejoraremos los derechos de los viajeros.
If we want to become the continent of rights, we will have to have the procedural rights established little by little.
Si queremos llegar a ser el continente de los derechos, tendremos que establecer los derechos procesales poco a poco.
Little by little, we are finding out that trade offers immense opportunities for the economic growth of poor countries.
Poco a poco estamos descubriendo que el comercio brinda inmensas oportunidades de crecimiento económico a los países pobres.