
"gradually" in Spanish

In the next few years, we are going to gradually drive back these emissions to zero.
En los próximos años reduciremos gradualmente estas emisiones a cero.
The decision was made to move gradually to the coverage of all serious crime.
Se ha adoptado la decisión de pasar gradualmente a incluir todos los delitos graves.
different stages of formation can be followed gradually and with greater
gradualmente y con mayor participación las diversas etapas de la
The Schengen area gradually expanded to include nearly every Member State.
El espacio Schengen se ha extendido poco a poco a casi todos los Estados miembros.
Gradually, the European Union will become a entirely pan-European Union.
Poco a poco la Unión se irá convirtiendo en una comunidad que abarque toda Europa.
The United States is gradually losing its role as arbitrator in this matter.
En esta cuestión, los Estados Unidos están perdiendo poco a poco su papel de árbitro.
All direct forms of support for agricultural production ought gradually to be abolished.
Paulatinamente deben eliminarse todas las ayudas directas a la producción agrícola.
Thirdly, gradually devise target dates for each candidate country.
En tercer lugar: fijemos paulatinamente fechas límite para cada país candidato.
But gradually you can nevertheless see that a modest step forward is being taken.
No obstante, se avanza paulatinamente.
de a poco{adv.} [coll.]
Mr President, at last the Republic of Mauritania appears to be gradually and delicately beginning to move towards the eventual restoration of democracy and respect for human rights.
. – Señor Presidente, finalmente parece que la República de Mauritania comienza a avanzar gradual y suavemente hacia la restauración completa de la democracia y el respeto de los derechos humanos.
paulatino{adj. m}
We can see that there is slow, gradual, but real progress in this area.
Vemos que hay un progreso lento, paulatino, pero cierto, en este campo.
Secondly, this profound and complex change must be done in a gradual way.
En segundo lugar, este cambio profundo y complejo debe hacerse de forma paulatina.
Austria will also be presenting studies of the gradual phasing-out of the use of cadmium.
Austria presentará asimismo un estudio sobre la reducción paulatina del uso del cadmio.
progresivo{adj.} (paulatino)
We want to see the gradual dismantling of the Technical Assistance Offices.
Queremos un desmantelamiento progresivo de las oficinas de asistencia técnica.
We are well aware of the gradual slippage of investment products.
Se produce un deslizamiento progresivo de los productos, y lo sabemos bien.
We will get there by this gradual, progressive approach.
Lo conseguiremos mediante este enfoque gradual y progresivo.
suave{adj.} (cuesta, curva)
Seventhly, employment for the elderly and gradual and flexible retirement.
En séptimo lugar, el envejecimiento activo y la jubilación gradual y flexible.
Obviously, a gradual approach will be needed in the future as well.
Evidentemente, en el futuro también se necesita un enfoque gradual en el futuro.
The strategic partnership must be substantial in scope and of a gradual nature.
La asociación estratégica debe ser sustancial en cuanto a su alcance y de naturaleza gradual.

Synonyms (English) for "gradually":
Context examples for "gradually" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Virgin and Mother, gradually develops such an attitude towards women, he will
Madre, madura de este modo su actitud hacia la mujer, en su ministerio se verá
These EU investigators have been gradually expanding their powers for years now.
Estos investigadores de la UE han ido aumentando sus poderes durante años.
We have both the will and the means to be able to solve this problem gradually.
Contamos con la voluntad y los medios para ir solucionando este problema poco a poco.
I have the feeling that that country is gradually being relegated to oblivion.
Tengo la idea de que Birmania ha ido cayendo progresivamente en el olvido.
The Schengen area gradually expanded to include nearly every Member State.
El espacio Schengen se ha extendido poco a poco a casi todos los Estados miembros.
The United States is gradually losing its role as arbitrator in this matter.
En esta cuestión, los Estados Unidos están perdiendo poco a poco su papel de árbitro.
It must be possible for them gradually to develop a functioning national economy.
Deben tener la posibilidad de desarrollar poco a poco una economía nacional que funcione.
activity have been gradually changing, and this is a source of increased hope
de la Iglesia han ido cambiando progresivamente, y esto inspira esperanza
There is also a second reason which is gradually becoming more important.
Hay también una segunda razón que está pasando a ser cada vez más importante.
Gradually, the European Union will become a entirely pan-European Union.
Poco a poco la Unión se irá convirtiendo en una comunidad que abarque toda Europa.
We shall have to gradually get accustomed to twilight conditions, for example.
Por ejemplo, podríamos acostumbrarnos a estar más a menudo a media luz.
criminal and rejected by the common moral sense are gradually becoming socially
común sentido moral, llegan a ser poco a poco socialmente respetables.
The railways are very gradually emerging from a long period of decline.
Los ferrocarriles se recuperan poquito a poco de un largo periodo de declive.
We are making progress and you are gradually retracting, and that is not good.
Vamos avanzando y ustedes, en principio, se van replegando poco a poco, y eso no es bueno.
We are gradually trying to move forward and link it to a process of reconciliation.
Estamos intentando avanzar y vincularlo a un proceso de reconciliación.
Thank God the fire is now gradually beginning to burn out by itself.
Gracias a Dios podemos determinar que el incendio va extinguiéndose poco a poco.
In the last 10 years, the number of deaths has gradually increased in Croatia.
En los últimos 10 años el número de muertes ha venido aumentando progresivamente en Croacia.
It has gradually become a ghost city, with empty streets and derelict buildings.
Poco a poco se ha convertido en una ciudad fantasma, con calles vacías y edificios abandonados.
I hope that this new mechanism will gradually enhance our ability to meet that responsibility.
Espero que esta gama de instrumentos nos vaya aproximando poco a poco a este fin.
I think that the greatest victories are those that are achieved gradually.
Creo que las victorias que se construyen lentamente son las más bellas.