
"a poquito" in English

"a poquito" in English
a poquito{adverb}
En consecuencia, no digo que mucho pero, poquito a poquito, esta filosofía se está extendiendo.
As a result, I would say that, although progress is slow, little by little this philosophy is starting to spread.

Similar translations for "a poquito" in English
Context examples for "a poquito" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Los ferrocarriles se recuperan poquito a poco de un largo periodo de declive.
The railways are very gradually emerging from a long period of decline.
En consecuencia, no digo que mucho pero, poquito a poquito, esta filosofía se está extendiendo.
As a result, I would say that, although progress is slow, little by little this philosophy is starting to spread.
Permítaseme abordar primero la agencia de Dublín, porque estoy empezando a estar un poquito harto de un aspecto de dicha agencia.
May I first deal with Dublin because I am getting a bit fed up with one aspect of Dublin.
La pandilla del euro, lejos de la realidad como viven, pensó que iba a sacar un poquito más de dinero para sus propios pasatiempos.
The Euro clique, removed from reality as they are, thought they were just going to get a little bit more money for their own hobbies.
vamos a llegar un poquito tarde
we'll be a wee bit late
Si se aprovecha esta oportunidad para debatir y explorar otras vías, creo que podremos aproximarnos un poquito más a una "Europa de los ciudadanos".
If this opportunity is used to discuss or explore other avenues, I believe that we may then come a little closer to a 'Europe of citizens'.
A aliviar un poquito sólo esa impresión contribuye la calurosa bienvenida que doy al Secretario General, que asiste a este debate, y al Comisario Liikanen.
My feeling is only somewhat lightened by the very warm welcome I give to the Secretary-General who is here at the debate and Commissioner Liikanen.
Creo que deberíamos inducir verdaderamente a la conferencia intergubernamental a que sangre un poquito más a sus ministros de finanzas.
I think we really need to insist that the heads of government get a little more out of their finance ministers, because education is a field where work needs to be both extended and intensified.
Pero permítanme que me vaya un poquito, no a la gran historia, porque hemos tenido ocasión de discutirla en este hemiciclo en varias ocasiones, sino a la historia más cercana.
But please allow me to go a little, not into the broader story, since we have had the opportunity to discuss that on several occasions in this House, but into more recent history.
Myller que va a seguir, por ejemplo-, es posible añadir un poquito más a esta propuesta.
My group thinks that in combination with a number of other factors, Mrs Myller's report which is to follow for example, it is possible to put a little more into this proposal than we see already.
Señora Presidenta, me alegro de haber podido participar en el trabajo de esta Comisión temporal de investigación; en realidad, de haber contribuido un poquito a que viera la luz.
Madam President, I am pleased that I have been able to participate in the work of this temporary Committee of Inquiry; indeed, of having played a small part in bringing it into being.
Exige una política de asilo común pero no dice ni una palabra sobre la Convención de Ginebra que precisamente como consecuencia de la política de la Unión Europea va desapareciendo poquito a poco.
The report demands a common policy on asylum, but does not say a single word about the Geneva Convention, which is being removed piecemeal precisely by the policy of the European Union.