
"flat lump" in Spanish

"flat lump" in Spanish
flat lump{noun}
plasta{f} [coll.] (aplastada)

Context examples for "flat lump" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
I should like here to clarify how important it is that we have added three additional forms of eligible costs: indirect costs, flat-rate costs and lump sums.
Quiero aclarar aquí lo importante que es que hayamos añadido tres formas adicionales de costes subvencionables: costes indirectos, costes a tanto alzado y cantidades globales.
I am aware, however, of some concerns about always using flat rates and lump sums, so I believe we should be looking for some flexibility and discretion in those areas.
No obstante, soy consciente de algunas preocupaciones por utilizar siempre tipos fijos y sumas globales, por lo que creo que deberíamos buscar una mayor flexibilidad y discreción en estos ámbitos.