
"failure to execute" in Spanish

"failure to execute" in Spanish

Context examples for "failure to execute" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Failure to execute those funds, therefore, does not merely jeopardise the aim of economic and social cohesion.
El momento de la verdad llegará a finales de 2003, pues muchos de los programas regionalizados se firmaron en 2001.
Since this is a political failure - a failure to execute the will of the legislator - the regulation must be amended, and we intend to fight for this.
Como esto se trata de un fracaso político, una incapacidad para llevar a efecto la voluntad del legislador, es necesario modificar la normativa, y tenemos la intención de luchar por ello.