
"dar cosa" in English

"dar cosa" in English

Context examples for "dar cosa" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Todos estamos de acuerdo en una cosa: dar dinero es importante, pero no suficiente.
We are all agreed on one thing: it is important to give money, but we are not giving enough.
No han entendido una cosa: dar una lección a alguien es una triste forma de educarlos y es algo que nunca ha funcionado.
They have not understood a thing, for teaching someone a lesson is a dismal way of educating them and one that has never worked.
Quiero incluso dar las gracias, cosa poco habitual en un parlamentario, a la Presidencia que se ocupó de este tema y con la que negociamos.
I even wish, unusually for an MEP, to thank the Presidency, which dealt with this issue and with which we negotiated.
Una cosa es dar lecciones sobre democracia y respeto de los derechos humanos, y otra bien distinta es respetarlos en tu propia institución.
To give lessons on democracy and respect for human rights is one thing; to respect them in one's own institution is quite another.
Por ello, no podemos hacer otra cosa que dar nuestro voto afirmativo a este compromiso que está sobre la mesa, pues queremos evitar lo peor.
So we have no alternative but to vote in favour of the compromise which is now on the table, because by doing so we shall prevent the worst from happening.
Es una buena cosa dar al capitán la posibilidad de oponerse a operaciones de carga o de descarga que considere peligrosas para su tripulación y su barco.
It is a good idea to give the master the option of objecting to loading or unloading operation he considers might endanger the safety of his crew or ship.
Sólo llevaría a provocar un aumento del tráfico en estos países y apenas beneficiaría al medio ambiente europeo, puesto que el tráfico no haría otra cosa que dar rodeos.
It would just create extra traffic in these countries, with too little benefit to the European environment, as traffic would have to make detours.