
"bad luck" in Spanish

bad luck{noun}
fatalidad{f} (desgracia)
One must not forget, however, that this problem that we are discussing today is not just another stroke of bad luck due to pure chance.
De todos modos, hay que recordar que el problema que hoy debatimos no es simplemente otro golpe de mala suerte debido a la fatalidad.
In fact bad luck has nothing to do with it, and if we consider the situation objectively, we can clearly see three levels of responsibility.
En realidad, no existe fatalidad alguna, y si se considera la situación objetivamente, se podrán ver con claridad tres niveles de responsabilidad.
Mr President, having observed the political collapse of the Comoros, we could well think that they are the victims of some sort of bad luck.
Señor Presidente, ante el espectáculo de la disgregación política de las Comoras, podría creerse que éstas son víctimas de una especie de fatalidad.
yeta{f} [SAm.] [coll.] (mala suerte)
In the environmental area, the presidency has had some bad luck.
La Presidencia ha tenido mala suerte en materia medioambiental.
This proposed amendment is not included because of very bad luck in the administration.
Estas enmiendas no figuran a causa de una mala suerte extrema en el procedimiento administrativo.
Our mediation efforts were dogged by bad luck.
A nuestros esfuerzos de mediación les persiguió la mala suerte.

Synonyms (English) for "bad luck":
Similar translations for "bad luck" in Spanish
Context examples for "bad luck" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
If he fails, he regards it as bad luck, but not as a trauma.
Si fracasa, para esta persona se trata de un contratiempo pero no de un trauma.
This proposed amendment is not included because of very bad luck in the administration.
Estas enmiendas no figuran a causa de una mala suerte extrema en el procedimiento administrativo.
In the environmental area, the presidency has had some bad luck.
La Presidencia ha tenido mala suerte en materia medioambiental.
proverb suggesting that it will bring bad luck to start a new venture on a Tuesday
en martes, ni te cases ni te embarques
Our mediation efforts were dogged by bad luck.
A nuestros esfuerzos de mediación les persiguió la mala suerte.
we've been dogged by bad luck from the beginning
la mala suerte nos ha perseguido desde el principio
It is our bad luck and their good luck.
Hemos tenido mala suerte y ellos han sido afortunados.
It was just bad luck that it happened in Belgium.
La mala suerte quiso que fuera en Bélgica.
Secondly, the growing rate of infection among women is not simply down to their fragile nature or to bad luck.
En segundo lugar, el ritmo creciente de la infección entre mujeres no solo se debe a su naturaleza frágil o a la mala suerte.
it's bad luck to walk under ladders
trae mala suerte pasar por debajo de una escalera
she was dogged by bad luck wherever she went
la mala suerte la seguía a todas partes
she's had bad luck all along the line
ha tenido mala suerte desde el principio
If good luck touches you it is bad for them, but if bad luck befalls you they rejoice therein; yet if you are patient and fear, their tricks shall not harm you.
Si os sucede algo bueno, les duele; y si os sobreviene algo malo, se alegran por ello.
she seems to be pursued by bad luck
parece que la persigue la mala suerte
then bad luck began to come my way
entonces empecé a tener una mala racha
she's already had her share of bad luck
ya pagó su cuota de mala suerte
he blames everything on bad luck
todo lo atribuye a su mala suerte
it's bad luck to break a mirror
romper un espejo trae mala suerte
it was sheer bad luck that …
fue por pura mala suerte que …
don't say that, you'll bring us bad luck
no seas gafe