
"servicios mínimos" in English

"servicios mínimos" in English

Context examples for "servicios mínimos" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Nada de servicios mínimos, servicios máximos a todas las partes.
There should be no minimum services; there should be maximum services for all.
Lograr avances sobre niveles mínimos de servicios públicos en la UE siempre ha sido un proceso lento y doloroso.
Getting progress on EU minimum standards for public services has always been a slow and painful process.
Con respecto al reparto del trabajo aún queda mucho por hacer y las inversiones en el sector servicios siguen estando bajo mínimos.
Jobs are still badly distributed and investment into services is still very much lacking for example.
Estuvo abierto durante toda la jornada del lunes y se aseguraron los servicios mínimos indispensables para atender a los diputados y visitantes que pudieron llegar a él.
It remained open throughout the whole of Monday, and the minimum services required to support Members and any visitors were provided.