
"saciarse" in English

saciarse{reflexive verb}
religiosidad que trata de saciar la innata aspiración de Dios
religious sensitivity which seeks to satisfy the innate aspiration for God
Nuestro Grupo te respaldará total y plenamente en los preparativos de cada guiso que pueda saciar nuestro apetito.
Our group will support you entirely as you prepare the individual dishes that can satisfy us.
Debemos velar por que se sacien dichos apetitos.
We must try to make sure those appetites are satisfied.
to slake {v.t.} [poet.] (satisfy)
to assuage[assuaged · assuaged] {v.t.} [poet.] (satisfy)
to satiate {v.t.} [poet.] (desire, appetite, lust)
saciar[saciando · saciado] {transitive verb}
Buscó saciar esa sed en la fiesta por las calles de Asís con sus amigos, y no la pudo saciar.
He sought to quench that thirst by feasting through the streets of Assisi with his friends and yet could not quench it.
Pregúntate: ¿Dónde sacio esa sed de plenitud que me atormenta?
Ask yourself: Where can I quench that thirst for fullness that is tormenting me?
Y si eso no es suficiente habra una barra de pago que estará disponible para ordenar sus refrigerios para saciar su sed.
And if that’s not enough, a fully stocked cash bar that will be available for your thirst quenching refreshment of choice.

Context examples for "saciarse" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Hoy día, hay suficientes alimentos en el planeta para que todo el mundo pueda comer y saciarse.
Today there is enough food on the planet to feed every body.
devoró hasta saciarse
he gorged himself to repletion
comió hasta saciarse
he ate his fill