
"regar" in English

to hose {v.t.} (water)
manguera para regar
garden hose
to shower {v.t.} (spray)
regar[regando · regado] {transitive verb}
regar(also: irrigar)
Para producir en el verano es necesario regar.
And in order to produce crops in the summer you have to irrigate.
[Moisés] respondió: “Dice que sea una vaca no uncida para arar la tierra ni para regar los cultivos, intacta y sin manchas de ningún otro color.
He answered, "He said, it is a heifer, not broken in to plough the earth or irrigate the tilth, a sound one with no blemish on her.
regar(also: irrigar)
¿te acordaste de regar las plantas?
did you remember to water the plants?
haceme acordar de regar las plantas
to remind me to water the plants
Allí la mejora decisiva de la producción, la competitividad y la productividad de los plátanos sería poder hacer el riego gota a gota.
There the key to improvement of banana production, competitiveness and productivity will be to be able to water the crop on a drop-by-drop basis.

Context examples for "regar" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Para producir en el verano es necesario regar.
And in order to produce crops in the summer you have to irrigate.
es tan malo regar las plantas demasiado como regarlas poco
too much watering is as bad as too little
¿te acordaste de regar las plantas?
did you remember to water the plants?
haceme acordar de regar las plantas
to remind me to water the plants
[Moisés] respondió: “Dice que sea una vaca no uncida para arar la tierra ni para regar los cultivos, intacta y sin manchas de ningún otro color.
He answered, "He said, it is a heifer, not broken in to plough the earth or irrigate the tilth, a sound one with no blemish on her.
manguera para regar
garden hose