
"relativismo cultural" in English

"relativismo cultural" in English

Context examples for "relativismo cultural" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Durante demasiado tiempo hemos dado por hecho una actitud de relativismo cultural hacia las mujeres inmigrantes.
We have for too long taken an attitude of cultural relativism towards women immigrants for granted.
No obstante, debemos utilizar este término con precaución, puesto que la idea de un diálogo entre culturas podría promover sin quererlo el relativismo cultural.
We must use this term with caution, however, as the idea of a dialogue between cultures could accidentally promote cultural relativism.
Una sociedad liberalizada muestra una combinación de dos formas de pensar: el pluralismo ético y el relativismo cultural, lo que podría denominarse el relativismo laicista.
A liberalised society exhibits a mix of two ways of thinking: ethical pluralism and cultural relativism, which could be called secularist relativism.
Pues, en efecto, si el relativismo cultural de aquél sólo ha sido un malentendido, entonces una carta de usted y una respuesta del Sr.
For if his cultural relativism were really nothing but a misunderstanding, your letter and an appropriate response from Mr Berlusconi would be decidedly helpful.
Estamos enviando sistemáticamente un mensaje claro sobre lo siguiente: la vulneración de los derechos de la mujer no puede justificarse en nombre del relativismo cultural o de las tradiciones.
We are systematically sending out a clear message on this: the violation of women's rights cannot be justified in the name of cultural relativism or traditions.