
"poco sensato" in English

"poco sensato" in English
poco sensato{adjective}
unwise{adj.} (action, decision)
Debo decir, con el mayor de los respetos por Francia y por el pueblo francés, que cargar tanto la misión hacia Francia roza la provocación, algo que considero muy poco sensato.
I have to say, with the greatest of respect for France and her people, that to load the mission so much towards France verges on the provocative, and I think it deeply unwise.

Similar translations for "poco sensato" in English
Context examples for "poco sensato" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
En semejantes circunstancias habría sido poco sensato no ampliar la agenda.
In those circumstances it would be silly not to widen the agenda.
El boicot estadounidense es poco sensato.
The American boycott is ill-advised.
nos dio un consejo poco sensato
he gave us unsound advice
En mi opinión, sin embargo, el enfoque de la comisión es más bien poco sensato porque ha elegido un enfoque sectorial y garantiza derechos diferentes para diferentes grupos.
In my opinion, however, the Commission's approach is rather less judicious, because it has chosen one that is sector specific. It guarantees different rights for different groups.