
"poco prudente" in English

"poco prudente" in English
poco prudente{adjective}
unwise{adj.} (action, decision)
Es poco prudente tratar a los países balcánicos como si el asunto ya estuviera zanjado.
It is unwise to treat the Balkan countries as if the race were already over.
Quizá fue poco prudente al hacerlo, pero actuó correctamente.
Perhaps he was unwise to do so, but he was right to do so.
Prestar más dinero a los griegos y exigir que apliquen más recortes es poco prudente.
Lending more money to the Greeks and demanding they implement more cuts is unwise.

Similar translations for "poco prudente" in English
Context examples for "poco prudente" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Se trata de algo desproporcionado y, por lo tanto, poco prudente.
This is disproportionate and therefore not sensible.
Es poco prudente y erróneo atribuir todo signo de euroescepticismo a las anteriores ampliaciones y al cansancio.
It is careless and erroneous to ascribe every sign of Euroscepticism to previous enlargements and fatigue.
Sería un poco más prudente si fuese usted.
I would be a little more circumspect if I were you.
Sería poco prudente ponerse a especular en este momento sobre lo que podría pasar si tal o cual cosa ocurriera.
These include political stability, respect for human rights and the ability to meet the particular requirements of the stabilisation and association process.
Creo que en la actual situación sería poco prudente optar por un camino que no sea el respaldo constructivo al Sr.
I believe that it would be foolish at this stage for us to choose any other approach than continuing to provide this constructive support for Mr Baker.