
"no buscado" in English

"no buscado" in English
no buscado{adjective}
unintended{adj.} (consequences, effects)

Context examples for "no buscado" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
No hemos buscado formas reales para salir de la crisis constitucional que afecta a Europa.
We have not sought any real ways out of the constitutional crisis facing Europe.
No ha buscado soluciones o análisis en debates estériles que nada aportan.
It has not sought solutions or analyses in fruitless debates that contribute nothing.
Probablemente algunos fueron ejecutados en Líbano, pero no se han buscado los cuerpos.
Some were probably executed in Lebanon, but no search has been undertaken for the bodies.
El principio de igualdad de género no está siendo buscado de manera eficaz.
The principle of gender equality is not being pursued effectively.
Este tipo de movilidad, que quizás no hayamos buscado muy ansiosamente, constituirá un futuro reto para nosotros.
This type of mobility, which we might not have sought quite so anxiously, will be a future challenge for us.
No ha buscado el contacto. No ha convocado ninguna reunión de la delegación para tratar exactamente de estos puntos.
You have not sought contact and have not convened any delegation meetings to discuss this particular issue.
La Comisión no ha buscado ampliar notablemente el alcance del servicio universal y acierta totalmente.
The Commission has not sought to enhance significantly the scope of the universal service remit and that is absolutely right.
Lamento que no se haya buscado un pacto con los otros Grupos, cosa que habría sido posible en el seno de este Parlamento.
It is a pity that a compromise was not sought with other groups, which would presumably have been possible.
En cambio, hay alguna otra cuestión en la que no entiendo por qué la Presidencia italiana no ha buscado un compromiso.
There are, however, some other issues where the Italian Presidency has not sought to find a compromise solution, and I do not understand their reasoning.
Swiebel no ha buscado una solución unificadora.
Mr President, the major split in the vote on this report in the relevant committee must mean that Mrs Swiebel has not sought a unifying solution.
Señor Presidente, la Europa de las naciones les agradece a los expertos independientes que no hayan buscado cabezas de turco, sino que hayan juzgado el sistema.
Mr President, the Europe of Nations Group would like to thank the Wise Men, because they are not looking for scapegoats but are instead indicting the system.
En primer lugar, la Comisión no sólo ha buscado simplificar y asegurar una mejor aplicación, sino que también ha conseguido aumentar, en gran medida, el alcance de determinadas áreas.
Firstly, the Commission has not only sought to simplify and ensure better implementation, it has also greatly increased the scope in certain areas.
Ellos no sólo han buscado soluciones amplias en el seno del Parlamento, sino que también han sostenido enérgicamente nuestros criterios frente al Consejo, cosa no menos importante.
They have not only sought broad solutions within Parliament but have also persistently maintained our positions in relation to the Council, something which has been especially important.
Los tres puntos a los que usted se refirió no los presentó su grupo para el acuerdo, si no habríamos buscado una forma de darles cabida en la redacción que quizás se hubiese aprobado.
Your group did not even bring up the three points you are addressing during the consultation procedure, otherwise we certainly would have found forms of wording on which we could perhaps have agreed.