
"long story short" in Spanish

"long story short" in Spanish

Context examples for "long story short" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
To cut a long story short, the way this deal has come about is not right.
No debería sorprenderle recibir críticas de todos los sectores de esta Cámara.
To cut a long story short, the way this deal has come about is not right.
Resumiendo, la forma en que se ha producido este trato no es correcta.
To cut a long story short, the conductor of such a mediocre brass band had a dual task.
Para abreviar la historia diré que el director de dicha banda mediocre tenía una doble tarea.
To cut a long story short, I welcome Mrs Smet's report being discussed at this time.
En resumidas cuentas, señora Presidente y señora Comisaria, me parece un momento muy oportuno para debatir el informe de la Sra.
Mr President, let me cut a long story short.
Señor Presidente, permítame resumir una larga historia.
anyway, to cut a long story short, …
bueno, en resumidas cuentas …
Land is expropriated, the ground concreted over, 150000 hectares of vines have flooded, and this is why, to cut a long story short, the area is swamped.
Hay expropiaciones de terrenos, impermeabilizaciones del suelo, 150000 hectáreas de viñedos desbordados, y he aquí por qué, en pocas palabras, la zona está inundada.
To make a long story short – and it is story that interests parents and society at large – Parliament and the Commission are working on the same lines.
En el marco del Programa Safer Internet Plus se puede realizar un estudio del nivel de rendimiento de la tecnología y es posible examinar en qué criterios se basa el funcionamiento de estos filtros.