
"ill-timed" in Spanish

"ill-timed" in Spanish
This report is ill-timed and ineffective;
Este informe es inoportuno e ineficaz;
This expectation is unfounded and particularly ill-timed.
Esta anticipación carece hoy de fundamento y es particularmente inoportuna.
All this is totally ill-timed.
Todo esto es totalmente inoportuno.
impertinente{adj.} (inoportuno, fuera de lugar)

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Similar translations for "ill-timed" in Spanish
Context examples for "ill-timed" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
I voted against the report, as it was ill-timed, in spite of the amendments.
He votado en contra del informe, ya que a pesar de las enmiendas, no me parece oportuno en este momento.
Mr President, the current political unrest in Ukraine is extremely ill-timed.
Señor Presidente, la actual agitación política que se vive en Ucrania no puede producirse en peor momento.
However, I agree with colleagues who stated that today's resolution is ill-timed.
De todas formas, estoy de acuerdo con aquellos colegas que han declarado que la resolución de hoy es poco oportuna.
In conclusion, at the beginning of this process I criticised the Commission on its ill-timed, badly drafted proposal.
En conclusión, diré que al principio de este proceso critiqué a la Comisión por esta propuesta mal redactada y presentada en un momento poco oportuno.
Mr President, we are all aware, of course, that Mrs Lambert' s report is ill-timed, because it concerns a technical amendment.
Señor Presidente, todos sabemos, por supuesto, que el informe de la Sra. Lambert no llega en el momento adecuado, ya que se trata de una adaptación técnica.
To pursue, simultaneously, an ill-timed austerity policy would not merely be absurd - it would be virtually suicidal for the economic and monetary union that we want to institute.
Redoblar una política de austeridad a destiempo no sólo sería absurdo, sino prácticamente suicida para la Unión Económica y Monetaria que queremos crear.