
"He" in English

"He" in English
"He" in Spanish
He{masculine} [abbreviation]
He{noun} [chem.] [abbr.] (Helium)
Y he conseguido introducir algunas enmiendas que ha aceptado graciosamente.
I succeeded in tabling some amendments and he kindly took them on board.
He ahí, que Abraham dijo: "Mi Sustentador es quien da la vida y da la muerte.
When Abraham said, "My Lord is He who gives life and death," he said, "I give life and death.
He de decir que unas veces acierta y otras se equivoca; en esta ocasión, se equivoca.
I have to say that sometimes he gets it right and sometimes he gets it wrong; he is wrong on this occasion.
varias fincas forman parte de su haber
his assets include various properties
También debemos reforzar nuestras políticas destinadas a congelar los haberes de los terroristas.
We also need to strengthen our policies to freeze assets of terrorists.
La Asamblea ha recibido una propuesta sobre la congelación de activos.
The House has received a proposed regulation on the freezing of assets.
En 2006, la mitad de los préstamos se concedieron sin haber verificado los ingresos.
In 2006, half of the loans granted were made without a check on income.
No hay ingresos que puedan compensar la pérdida medioambiental que ello ocasiona.
There is no income that can compensate for the environmental damage this causes.
Las insuficiencias de justicia no se pueden compensar con el lado del Debe sino del Haber.
The justice gap can only be closed on the income side and not on the expenditure side.
Hoy hay parlamentarios que ganan cuatro veces más o cuatro veces menos que otros.
Today there are MEPs who are earning four times more or four times less.
Se plantean problemas sociales para los que no hay una solución substitutiva.
What is at stake are potential social problems for people with no alternative way of earning a living.
Por supuesto, si no gana nada, no hay solvencia y no hay liquidez y es entonces cuando comienza la espiral negativa.
If you are not earning anything, you have, of course, no creditworthiness and no liquidity and this is where the negative spiral begins.
Son signos de la necesaria colaboración europea que pueden imputarse al haber de la cuenta.
These are signs of the necessary European collaboration, which can be entered on the credit side of the account.
el debe y el haber
the debit side and the credit side
en el haber
on the credit side
redit side{noun} [fin.]
En muchas ocasiones anteriores, hemos fingido haber conseguido resultados.
On many previous occasions, we have pretended that we have achieved results.
Deberíamos haber sido mucho más innovadores, y lo podríamos haber sido.
We ought to have been far more innovative, and we could have been.
Debería haber ejercido esa responsabilidad y luchado por tales normas.
It should have exercised this responsibility in full and fought for such rules.
he(also: him)
He had all the information and for understandable reasons he kept it to himself.
Él disponía de toda la información y por motivos comprensibles, se la reservó para él.
While he / she was with us he / she… . This responsibility involved… .
Mientras estuvo con nosotros él / ella... . Esa responsabilidad involucraba...
He had the right to intervene and I regret that he was not facilitated as others were.
Él tenía derecho a intervenir y lamento que no se le facilitara como a otros.
He{noun} [abbreviation]
He{m} [chem.] [abbr.] (Helio)
I succeeded in tabling some amendments and he kindly took them on board.
Y he conseguido introducir algunas enmiendas que ha aceptado graciosamente.
When Abraham said, "My Lord is He who gives life and death," he said, "I give life and death.
He ahí, que Abraham dijo: "Mi Sustentador es quien da la vida y da la muerte.
I have to say that sometimes he gets it right and sometimes he gets it wrong; he is wrong on this occasion.
He de decir que unas veces acierta y otras se equivoca; en esta ocasión, se equivoca.

Synonyms (English) for "He":
Context examples for "He" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Por todas estas razones, he votado a favor del informe del señor Hasse Ferreira.
For all these reasons, I have voted in favour of the report by Mr Hasse Ferreira.
He votado a favor de este informe, que recomienda que se apruebe esta propuesta.
I voted in favour of this report, which recommends that this proposal be adopted.
En este sentido he observado un consenso importante en todas las intervenciones.
In this respect I have observed a significant consensus in all the interventions.
He votado a favor de las enmiendas 20-23, que sin embargo han sido rechazadas.
I have voted in favour of Amendments Nos20-23, which were, however, rejected.
El informe plantea estas cuestiones y yo he votado a favor de sus recomendaciones.
The report attends to these points and I voted in favour of its recommendations.
El informe plantea estas cuestiones y yo he votado a favor de sus recomendaciones.
The report deals with these issues and I voted in favour of its recommendations.
He votado contra el informe Weber después del rechazo de las enmiendas del PSE.
I voted against the Weber report following the rejection of the PSE amendments.
Este fue uno de los expedientes en los que realmente me he empeñado personalmente.
This is one of the dossiers into which I personally put in a great deal of work.
Al mismo tiempo, he comparado el presupuesto militar de los países mencionados.
At the same time, I have compared the military budget of the countries mentioned.
Asimismo, he anotado las diferentes propuestas y sugerencias que han presentado.
I have also noted the various proposals and suggestions that you have put forward.
He pedido una pronta reunión del Presidente Abbás y el Primer Ministro Olmert.
I have called for an early meeting of President Abbas and Prime Minister Olmert.
He apostado por la transparencia, por la apertura, frente al Parlamento Europeo.
I have shown transparency. I have shown openness with the European Parliament.
Presidente, he aprobado de corazón los tres informes acerca de la acidificación.
Mr President, I wholeheartedly agreed with the three reports on acidification.
Para finalizar lo que les he dicho antes, voy a volver a la situación en Kosovo.
To conclude what I have to say, let me come back again to the situation in Kosovo.
He visto que en el Acta se menciona que propuse dirigir una protesta a la OTAN.
It says in the Minutes that I asked for an official complaint to be made to NATO.
¡me he estado matando en la cocina toda la tarde y me dices que no tienes hambre!
I've been slaving over a hot stove all afternoon and you say you're not hungry!
Para ello, sin embargo, tendrá que incluir las partes a que he hecho referencia.
In that case, it will, however, have to include the parts to which I have referred.
He propuesto una idea de 15 principios básicos para ayudar a facilitar el acuerdo.
I have put forward an idea of 15 basic principles to help facilitate agreement.
He votado a favor de la resolución común, a pesar de considerarla insuficiente.
I voted for the joint motion for a resolution, despite regarding it as inadequate.
He votado a favor de esta disposición, pero lamentablemente no se ha aprobado.
I voted in favour of this provision, but it was not adopted, and I regret that.