
"designated funds" in Spanish

"designated funds" in English

Context examples for "designated funds" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
All three face the threat of becoming a fiasco if the funds designated for them prove to be too 'symbolic'.
Las tres se enfrentan a la amenaza de convertirse en un fiasco si los fondos que se les han asignado demuestran ser demasiado "simbólicos".
I am glad that, in the Committee on Budgets, we have managed to reestablish the level of the funds designated to agriculture.
Celebro que, en la Comisión de Presupuestos, hayamos conseguido restituir el nivel de los fondos destinados a agricultura.
We are highly critical of the overproduction of agricultural produce and of the fact that the EU is using funds designated for information purposes to sell this surplus.
Nos oponemos a la sobreproducción de productos agrícolas y a que la UE emplee medios de información para vender estos excedentes.
Of course, we must not forget, either, the funds designated for developing the competitiveness of the European economy or the financial resources being given to farmers.
Por supuesto, tampoco debemos olvidar los fondos destinados al desarrollo de la competitividad de la economía europea ni los recursos que reciben los agricultores.-