
"derecho adquirido" in English

"derecho adquirido" in English

Context examples for "derecho adquirido" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Ese nuevo derecho ha sido adquirido porque hemos cedido otro derecho.
That new right has been acquired because we have ceded another right.
El derecho adquirido de hombres y mujeres a elegir sus tareas en el cuidado de la familia es un gran privilegio en nuestra sociedad occidental.
The acquired right of women and men to choose a role in caring for the family and extended family, is a great privilege in our western society.
Pero, a otras que aún no han adquirido un derecho de residencia las queremos ver lo antes posible fuera de nuestro territorio.
But there are others who have no right of residence, and whom we should like to see removed from our territory as soon as possible. There are many other kinds of unequal treatment.
Vamos a apoyar la resolución pero tenemos que dejar claro que nadie tiene un derecho adquirido para explotar los recursos de otro país si así no lo desea.
We will support the resolution, but we have to make it clear that nobody has any given right to exploit the resources of another country if it does not so wish.