
"cacho" in English

chub{noun} [ichtyol.]
cacho(also: pedazo)
chunk{noun} (of bread, meat)
cacho(also: pedazo)
gobbet{noun} [coll.] (of food)
bunch{noun} (of bananas)
shaker{noun} (for dice)
joint{noun} [coll.]
spliff{noun} [slg.]
to fuck {v.i.} [vulg.]
cachar[cachando · cachado] {transitive verb}
to get[got · got] {vb} [coll.]
Entrada de caché parcial, obteniendo el resto del servidor:
Partial cache entry, getting rest from server:
La memoria caché de un navegador es solo la parte de su memoria encargada de recordar el aspecto que solía tener una página.
A browser's cache is just some of its memory that's devoted to remembering what a page used to look like.
cachar[cachando · cachado] {intransitive verb}

Context examples for "cacho" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
esta mesita es un cacho, no hay dónde ponerla
this table's a real nuisance, there's nowhere to put it
tenía un cacho chichón en la cabeza
he had a walloping great bump on his head
¡lo vas a romper, cacho bruto!
you'll break it, you great oaf!
el profesor me cachó copiando
the teacher caught me copying
me quedé con el cacho
I got stuck with the damned thing
un cacho de pastel
a wodge of cake