
"asta" in English

"asta" in English
pole{noun} [naut.]
Por esa razón, las astas que están fueran de los edificios del Parlamento Europeo, en los que hondean las banderas de los Estados miembros, se hicieron en los astilleros navales de Gdańsk.
That is why the flagpoles which stand outside the European Parliament buildings, and which fly flags of the Member States, were made in the Gdańsk shipyards.
asta(also: cuerno)
antler{noun} [idiom]
shaft{noun} (of arrow, spear)

Context examples for "asta" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
En su honor, la bandera de nuestra Unión ondea a media asta.
The flag of the European Union is being flown at half-mast in his honour.
Muchas gracias, también, por colocar la bandera a media asta.
Thank you also for having the flags flown at half-mast.
la bandera ondea a media asta
the flag is flying at half-mast
He dado instrucciones a los servicios de la Asamblea de que, en señal de respeto, hagan ondear las banderas de España y la de Europa a media asta.
I have instructed the services of our House, as a mark of respect, to fly the Spanish and European flags at half-mast.
con la bandera a media asta
with the flag at half-mast
ondea a media asta
it is flying at half-mast
Con frecuencia, se subestima el potencial de esos dos grupos que, en consecuencia, no han recibido, asta la fecha, la suficiente consideración positiva.
The potential of each of them is often underestimated and therefore up to now they have received too little positive attention.
a media asta
at half-mast
De todas maneras, las banderas ondean ya a media asta y no espero un resultado rápido a cualquier precio, sino un resultado óptimo en el plazo más rápido posible.
The flags are at half-mast already, and I do not expect a rapid result at any price but rather the best possible result within the shortest possible time.
Quiero agradecer al Presidente del Parlamento Europeo su decisión ese día de izar una bandera de la República Eslovaca a media asta delante del edificio del Parlamento.
I would like to thank the EP President for his decision on that day to order that the state flag of the Slovak Republic in front of the Parliament building fly at half mast.