
"a primera vista" in English

a primera vista{adjective}
unseen{adj.} [Brit.]
No obstante, hay diferentes métodos, y no siempre son reconocibles a primera vista.
There are different methods, however, and they are not always recognisable at first glance.
A primera vista, diría que el Parlamento, en cierto modo, encabeza la marcha.
At first glance I would say that Parliament to some extent leads the way.
A primera vista, todo parece bastante simple.
At first glance, everything would appear to be quite straightforward.
A primera vista, los efectos de este Reglamento sobre el comercio exterior son mínimos.
At first sight, the effects of this Regulation on external trade are minimal.
A primera vista, es difícil percibir la coherencia entre ámbitos tan diversificados.
At first sight, it is difficult to see the connection between such diverse areas.
La información principal debe ser clara para el consumidor a primera vista.
The main information must be clear to the consumer at first sight.
prima facie{adv.} [form.]
parecer tener razón a primera vista
to have a prima facie case
A primera vista parece razonable pedir que el Parlamento mantenga el mismo nivel presupuestario que en 2007.
Prima facie, it seems reasonable to request that Parliament should retain the same budgeting level as in 2007.
Aunque -a primera vista- parece que no hay ninguna referencia directa a la promoción del aborto en la resolución, mi delegación no está a favor de las cláusulas que podrían condonar el aborto.
Although - prima facie - it seems that there is no direct reference to the promotion of abortion in the resolution, my delegation does not support clauses which might condone abortion.

Context examples for "a primera vista" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
A primera vista, es difícil percibir la coherencia entre ámbitos tan diversificados.
At first sight, it is difficult to see the connection between such diverse areas.
A primera vista, los efectos de este Reglamento sobre el comercio exterior son mínimos.
At first sight, the effects of this Regulation on external trade are minimal.
A primera vista, diría que el Parlamento, en cierto modo, encabeza la marcha.
At first glance I would say that Parliament to some extent leads the way.
inmediatamente visible a primera vista, pero que es evento, es donación,
at first sight, but which is also event, is gift, is new life: "So then you
No obstante, hay diferentes métodos, y no siempre son reconocibles a primera vista.
There are different methods, however, and they are not always recognisable at first glance.
Es decir que ahora se puede apreciar a primera vista cuánto se va a destinar a cada ámbito.
Now we can see at a glance how much is being spent on which political areas.
La información principal debe ser clara para el consumidor a primera vista.
The main information must be clear to the consumer at first sight.
La propuesta contiene una serie de proposiciones que a primera vista chocan entre sí.
The resolution includes a number of proposals which are directly inconsistent with each other.
Las reglas no son tan restrictivas como pueden parecer a primera vista.
The rules are not as restrictive as they might appear at first sight.
Puede suceder perfectamente que se sea perseguido en un país que a primera vista sea seguro.
A person can very easily be persecuted in a country that, on the surface of it, is safe.
Sin embargo, la cuestión es más compleja de lo que parece a primera vista.
However, the matter is more complex than appears at first sight.
La propuesta de la integración puede resultar compleja a primera vista.
The proposal for integration might seem complex at first sight.
A primera vista parece que esta normativa impone una carga sobre las empresas ferroviarias.
It is only at first sight that this regulation appears to place a burden on railway undertakings.
Así pues, no cabe duda de que las ramificaciones son mucho más extensas de lo que parece a primera vista.
Thus, of course, the ramifications are much broader than they seem at first glance.
Se habla de un «Maastricht de las pensiones»: a primera vista, este eslogan no tiene sentido.
There is talk of a 'Maastricht of pensions', a slogan that, at first sight, is devoid of meaning.
Si se echa un vistazo a los pagos y a la cifra del 1,9%, a primera vista, no parece ser mucho.
Take a look at payments, and the figure of 1.9% does not, at first sight, appear to be very much.
Se habla de un« Maastricht de las pensiones»: a primera vista, este eslogan no tiene sentido.
There is talk of a 'Maastricht of pensions ', a slogan that, at first sight, is devoid of meaning.
Si se echa un vistazo a los pagos y a la cifra del 1,9 %, a primera vista, no parece ser mucho.
Take a look at payments, and the figure of 1.9 % does not, at first sight, appear to be very much.
La información principal debe figurar en la parte frontal, para que se distinga claramente a primera vista.
The main information should be stated on the front, so that it is clear at first sight.
Parece ser así a primera vista, especialmente en la República Sprska y en la zona croata.
On the face of it, that appears to be true, particularly in the Republika Srpska and in the Croatian part.