
"at first glance" in Spanish

"at first glance" in Spanish
There are different methods, however, and they are not always recognisable at first glance.
No obstante, hay diferentes métodos, y no siempre son reconocibles a primera vista.
At first glance I would say that Parliament to some extent leads the way.
A primera vista, diría que el Parlamento, en cierto modo, encabeza la marcha.
At first glance, everything would appear to be quite straightforward.
A primera vista, todo parece bastante simple.

Synonyms (English) for "at first glance":
Context examples for "at first glance" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
At first glance I would say that Parliament to some extent leads the way.
A primera vista, diría que el Parlamento, en cierto modo, encabeza la marcha.
There are different methods, however, and they are not always recognisable at first glance.
No obstante, hay diferentes métodos, y no siempre son reconocibles a primera vista.
Sometimes problems do not lie where they seem to at first glance.
A veces el origen de los problemas no radica donde parece en un primer momento.
We are confronted by a situation which at first glance seems impossible to resolve.
En efecto, mientras no haya despegue económico en la región, no habrá realmente una paz estable.
Thus, of course, the ramifications are much broader than they seem at first glance.
Así pues, no cabe duda de que las ramificaciones son mucho más extensas de lo que parece a primera vista.
It is not, therefore, such an inflexible, blinkered policy as might be imagined at first glance.
Así pues, no se trata de una política inflexible y de miras estrechas, como puede pensarse a primera vista.
At first glance, everything would appear to be quite straightforward.
A primera vista, todo parece bastante simple.
At first glance the budget appears to indicate a radical reduction - 16 % - in commitments from 1999.
A primera vista, el presupuesto parece señalar una reducción radical -el 16 %- en créditos de compromiso a partir de 1999.
At first glance, the grassroots reaction against the regime appears to be spontaneous and ideologically unaligned.
A primera vista, la reacción popular contra el régimen parece ser espontánea e ideológicamente desproporcionada.
There is a growing trend towards this, and I understand, of course, that it seems much simpler at first glance.
Existe una tendencia creciente a favor de la misma y entiendo, lógicamente, que a primera vista parezca más simple.
I would prefer not to evaluate the Commission's proposed reforms now, except to say that they seem plausible at first glance.
No quiero valorar las propuestas de reforma de la Comisión pero me parecen plausibles a primera vista.
I must say that it looks good at first glance.
He de decir que pinta bien a primera vista.
Obvious at first glance and first touch.
Se advierte enseguida, en cuanto se ve y se toca.
At first glance this is a very difficult decision, because it is extremely sensitive for the Member States.
A primera vista, se trata de una decisión muy difícil, porque es un aspecto extremadamente delicado para los Estados miembros.
At first glance, the answer is no.
A primera vista, parece que la respuesta es negativa.
Even if the report looks rather technical at first glance, it does cover major problems as regards content.
Aunque el informe parece a primera vista más bien técnico, detrás de esta fachada se encuentran problemas de gran envergadura.
You said, or your words implied, that, at first glance, most European legislation is being properly observed.
Usted ha dicho o sus palabras implicaban que, a primera vista, la mayor parte de la legislación europea se cumple correctamente.
. - (DE) Madam President, the subject matter of the report before us would seem, at first glance, to be highly technical.
ponente. - (DE) Señora Presidenta, el tema del presente informe podría parecer, a primera vista, muy técnico.
In this respect, please note that an increase from 5% to 6.5% may seem small at first glance, but in reality it is not.
A este respecto, me permito señalarles que un aumento de un 1,5% puede parecer ínfimo a primera vista, pero en realidad no lo es.
At first glance, it would appear that the messages we are receiving are often contradictory on certain important issues.
A primera vista, parece que los mensajes que estamos recibiendo son muchas veces contradictorios en algunas cuestiones importantes.