
"ya era hora" in English

"ya era hora" in English
about time{interj.}
Ya era hora de que lo eligieran Presidente, hay que admitirlo.
It was about time that you got to be President; we recognise that.
Ya era hora que se discutiera este asunto en el Parlamento.
It is about time this issue was discussed in Parliament.
Ya era hora de que el Parlamento Europeo finalizase su silencio en torno a la rebelión tunecina.
It was about time the European Parliament ended its silence on the Tunisian uprising.

Context examples for "ya era hora" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Yo creo que, por estas razones, ya era hora de que encontrásemos una solución.
It was also for these reasons, I believe, that it was high time to find a solution.
Ya era hora de que la Comisión hiciera un cambio radical en sus procedimientos.
It is high time that you in the Commission also had a radical rethink of your procedures.
Ya era hora de que surgiera una iniciativa que abordara estas graves violaciones.
The time came for an initiative to deal with these grave violations.
Después de las vacas locas y de la fiebre aftosa, reconozcamos que ya era hora.
It certainly is high time to do so, following mad cow disease and the foot-and-mouth epidemic.
Ya era hora de que se adoptara una normativa para esta cuestión tan importante.
It really is high time for this important area to be dealt with.
. - (DE) Señor Presidente, ya era hora de celebrar este tipo de debate.
on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group. - (DE) Mr President, this debate was long overdue.
Ya era hora de que la Comisión hiciera un cambio radical en sus procedimientos.
This is a major social problem but, perhaps above all, a major problem for the individuals affected.
Ya era hora de que el Parlamento Europeo finalizase su silencio en torno a la rebelión tunecina.
It was about time the European Parliament ended its silence on the Tunisian uprising.
Ya era hora de que nuestras políticas ofrecieran ayuda a esa agricultura.
It is now high time that our policies assisted that agriculture.
Ya era hora de que se acabara con las sustancias carcinógenas.
It is actually high time that carcinogenic substances were done away with.
Ya era hora, porque nuestro proyecto político no puede seguir estando tan alejado del pueblo.
It is high time, because our political project cannot go on being so remote from the people.
Por tanto, ya era hora de que nos preocupáramos por una situación que nadie cree que sea sencilla.
It was therefore high time we worried about a situation that no one believes is simple.
Señor Presidente, después de nueve años ya era hora de que se pusiera al día la Directiva de 1991.
It is now nine years since the 1991 directive was produced and it is time to update it.
Ya era hora de que se lograra, porque hemos superado la fecha límite.
It was due time to reach it, because the deadline had been passed.
Ya era hora de que el Parlamento Europeo hiciese un corte de mangas a los horteras del chocolate.
It is high time the European Parliament gave two Cadbury's Fingers to the chocolate snobs.
Ya era hora de que lo celebráramos por las razones que ya han destacado nuestros oradores anteriores.
It is long overdue, for the reasons which our previous speakers have already underlined.
Ya era hora de que lo eligieran Presidente, hay que admitirlo.
It was about time that you got to be President; we recognise that.
Mañana, el Parlamento lo liberará, y ya era hora de que lo hiciera, porque le espera mucho trabajo.
Tomorrow, Parliament will free you, and it is time it did so, for there is work awaiting you.
Mañana, el Parlamento lo liberará, y ya era hora de que lo hiciera, porque le espera mucho trabajo.
I have here an EU flag which I bought on the floor below this one.
Ya era hora de que los valores humanitarios fundamentales se impusieran a las urgencias políticas.
It is high time that fundamental humanitarian values were placed before political expediencies.